Blank Lines and Drawing Lines 

Horizontal lines

You can generate horizontal lines on the output screen by using the following syntax:


ULINE [AT [/][<pos>][(<len>)]].

This is equivalent to

WRITE [AT [/][<pos>][(<len>)]] SY-ULINE.

The format specifications after AT are exactly the same as the format specifications described for the WRITE statement in Positioning WRITE Output on the Screen.

If there are no format specifications, the system starts a new line and fills it with a horizontal line. Otherwise, horizontal lines are output as specified.

Another way of generating horizontal lines is to type the appropriate number of hyphens in a WRITE statement as follows:

WRITE [AT [/][<pos>][(<len>)]] '-----...'.

Vertical lines

You generate vertical lines on the output screen by using the following syntax:


WRITE [AT [/][<pos>]] SY-VLINE.


WRITE [AT [/][<pos>]] '|'.

Blank lines

You can generate blank lines on the screen by using the following syntax:


SKIP [<n>].

Starting with the current line, this statement generates <n> blank lines on the output screen. If no value is specified for <n>, one blank line is output. In the standard setting, you cannot create empty lines with the WRITE statement alone.

To position the output data in a specific line on the screen, use:



This statement allows you to move the output position upwards or downwards.

For more information and examples, see Creating Complex Lists.