Fixed Identifiers 


Fixed identifiers are predefined values that are defaulted by the system. These can be called up, but values have not been defined for all of them yet. If a value has not been defined, and this is referenced, an error message is issued. If an attempt is made to assign a new value to one of these values in /definition, an error message is also issued (exception: #r).

#[Lower-case letter]

[Lower-case letter]:
A small letter from a to z

Values have been defined for the following fixed identifiers:




Day in the month (decimal, 2 characters)


Group name from the processing group "/group" and #r, if specified


Path of the file to be processed


Month in the year (decimal, 2 characters)


Name of the file to be processed (without file extension)


Page number of printout


What the separate page is called (system writes blanks, but a character string can be assigned)


Drive of the file to be processed


Month in the year


File extension of the file to be processed


Year (decimal, 4 characters with century)


For an overview of all the commands available for changing templates for BOM evaluation, please refer to Changing Templates for BOM Evaluation.