

This processing group can appear in the template file, and must consist of only one command line. This command line specifies which data fields are to be used for sorting the BOM (in ascending order), and how the fields are weighted in the comparison. If you omit this command line, the BOM is not sorted, and the data records will be output in what appears to be a random sequence (in other words, they are output by item number).


[Sort field]:
A whole number that identifies the position of the sort field.

If you want to sort data records hierarchically, you can specify more sort fields, each separated from the preceding by the character '>'.

[Decimal point]:
You can enter either 0 or 1 here. If you enter anything else, though, this will cause errors, and cause the program to terminate. The values mean the following:


Decimal point is a ‘.’ (USA)


Decimal point is a ‘,’ (Germany)

[Case sensitive]:
You can enter either 0 or 1 here. If you enter anything else, though, this will cause errors, and cause the program to terminate. The values mean the following:


Case-sensitive (i.e. higher-case (capital) letters are distinguished from lower-case (small) letters.


Not case-sensitive (i.e. higher-case and lower-case letters are regarded as being the same)

Example 1: #1,1,0;

Explanation of the example:
Only the first data field (item number) is used for sorting purposes in the data record.

Example 2: #3>#1,1,0;

Explanation of the example:
The third data field of the data record (BOM name) is used for sorting. If both fields are the same, the first field (item number) is used for the comparison and for sorting.

Example 3: #3>#1>#10,1,0;

; there is no comment!

For an overview of all the commands available for changing templates for BOM evaluation, please refer to Changing Templates for BOM Evaluation.