Individual Setting of Overall Completion Confirmation 


In the standard system, a default profile is set for the overall completion confirmation. If this profile does not meet your particular requirements, you have the option of adapting the user interface for the overall completion confirmation.


In the Customizing for Plant Maintenance, a confirmation profile, which satisfies your requirements, has been created for the overall completion confirmation (see also Screen Areas for Confirmation Data).


You use the transaction-specific settings in the overall completion confirmation to assign the required confirmation profile to your user default values for Customer Service and Plant Maintenance.


  1. Call up the overall completion confirmation. Depending on the application component in which you are working, choose one of the following menu paths:
  1. Choose Extras ® Settings.
  2. Specify the required profile in the dialog box displayed.
  3. Save the entry.

When the overall completion confirmation is next called up, you see the user interface the way it was defined for the profile entered.