Transporting Format Trees 

You can transport both active and maintenance versions of format trees to other systems. The logical transport object for a DMEE format tree is R3TR DMEE; this contains all associated database tables. To transport a format tree, choose either Format tree ® Transport or on the initial screen of the DME Engine.

The DME Engine also supports an upload/download of format trees as an alternative to the transport:

You can upload a format tree that you have as an XML file. To do so, choose Format tree ® Upload XML file on the DMEE initial screen. You then specify the file name and the presentation server or URL address.

You can download a format tree and create an XML file on your PC that contains all format tree information. To do so, choose Format tree ® Download XML file on the DMEE initial screen. After you specify which version you wish to download (active or maintenance), you enter the tree type, format tree ID, and a name for the XML file.