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Addresses: Conversion of personal addresses with the report RSSAD201


From release 3.0A the personal address table (SADRP) will contain new fields. This makes a more differentiated search in SAPoffice possible (e.g. by first or last names). To convert the personal addresses into the new structure before release 3.0A, the report RSSAD201 must be executed.

The table SADRP is extended by the following fields:

The report RSSAD201 converts the field NAME1 into the new fields LNAME and FNAME and enters the associated company name (SADR-NAME1) in the field NAMECMPNY. The fields UCLNAME, UCFNAME, UCABTEI and UCNAMECMPY are filled appropriately. They contain the contents of the fields LNAME, FNAME, ABTEI, NAMECMPY in upper case characters.
As the contents of the field NAME1 are unchanged, the report can be re-started in the case of error.


The conversion of the field NAME1 into NAME and FNAME it is assumed that NAME1 consists of 'First name Surname', i.e. the last complete string in NAME1 is put in the field LNAME and the remainder in the field FNAME. If this is not the case, the report should be modified accordingly. NAME1 is split into LNAME and FNAME in the Form routine SPLIT_NAME.

Dependent functions

SAPoffice users are assigned a unique personal address. Input and output of the user name and the search for SAPoffice users uses the first name (FNAME) and surname (LNAME) of the associated personal address.


A personal address can be assigned to an existing SAPoffice user using the report RSSOUADR (via Tools -> Administration -> Administration -> Process technology -> Office -> User -> Office ). A personal address is automatically assigned when an SAPoffice user is created.
It is a precondition for the assignment of a personal address that a company address be entered in the office settings.

Further notes

The report should not be executed online if there is a large amount of data.