Shipment Costs List: Settlement 


You can use this report to list shipment cost documents which have not yet been completely calculated. As selection criteria for the shipment cost documents, you can use, for example, the account assignment status or transfer status.


After executing the report you receive a list of all shipment cost documents, which correspond to your selection criteria.

The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer.


The system is set up so that the shipment cost items are automatically created when creating the shipment cost documents and the calculation is automatically implemented. The transfer is carried out twice a week in the evening as a collective batch. Then an employee creates a list of shipment costs for calculation. As selection criteria he enters the status Not assigned to an account and Not completely assigned to an account and Not transferred.


See also:

Creating List of Shipment Documents for Settlement

Editing Shipment Lists