File Size and Time Limit 


You can restrict the runtime measurement to particular objects by choosing Change from the Measurement restrictions group box on the initial screen.

If you choose Duratn/type, the size of the performance data file and the time limit for the measurement are displayed.

File Size

The size of the performance data file depends on the default settings in the operating system and on the available space in the file system. By default, the system proposes 1MB = 1000KB as the file size when you use full aggregation. Without aggregation, a file size of 10MB is sufficient.

If you do not enter a value in the Max. size of file field, the system uses the default. When the maximum file size is reached, the system terminates the runtime analysis.


Time Limit

When you use full aggregation, the system proposes a maximum time of 1800 seconds (30 minutes). Once this time limit is reached, the system terminates the runtime analysis.

The maximum value you can enter in this field is 4294 seconds (232 µs). If you enter a greater value, the runtime analysis automatically sets a default maximum time of 3600 seconds (1 hour).



 If you intend to repeat the measurement, you can save your entries as a variant by choosing Save as… If you choose Save ( ENTER ) instead, the existing variant is stored with your changes. If you change the DEFAULT variant, the changes are saved as a temporary variant.