What is a Network? 

A network can represent the sequence of activities in a project or the sequence of a single activity within a project. You can graphically display various structural elements of a project and their interdependencies in the Project System.

During the life of a project, networks are used as a basis for planning, analyzing, controlling and monitoring schedules, dates, and resources.(such as personnel, machines, PRTs, materials, documents, and drawings).

The following are examples of the types of questions you can answer with the information you get from a network:

In the Project System networks are activity-on-mode networks.

The essential components of a network are:


The most important data describing an activity in the Project System is:


There is usually a reason for a specific sequence of activities in a network. For example, there may be technical dependencies between individual activities. These dependencies are represented by relationships in which one activity is the predecessor or the successor of another activity.

The relationship type specifies how the individual activities are linked with each other:

Relationship between the finish of one activity and the start of its successor.

Relationship between the start of one activity and the start of its successor.

Relationship between the finish of one activity and the finish of its successor.

Relationship between the start of one activity and the finish of its successor.