Displaying Transportation Change Documents 


Change documents record changes to existing shipment documents. Should a problem occur, you can refer to this document to see which shipment changes were made when and by whom.


If an existing shipment is changed, a change document is created when those changes are saved.

You can enter selection criteria in order to display change documents. There are also two views to choose from. One displays the changes according to shipment number. The other lists changes to all documents according to fields that were changed. For example, all shipments in which the forwarding agent was changed appear in the highest level of the list; all shipments in which the container ID was changed appear in the second level, and so on. You can call up the data that was changed from either list with a doubleclick.

You can also display the changes made to shipment documents that have already been deleted.

The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer.