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Realization of the Color and Character Concept 


This release note contains information on the following:

The shift plan and Requirements Matchup display has been realized in a color design for release 4.6C.
In the inital shift plan screen, you can choose whether you want to display the shift plan overview screen in the color design, or in the classic design.
There is a selection of colors as well as character formats that you can use to determine the layout of the shift plan overview.
You can specify the available colors and characters in different formats - normal, intensified and inverse for the colors, and normal, bold, italics and underlined for the characters.
In this way, you can highlight shift abbreviations and levels of coverage in Requirements Matchup, which allows you to display different business situations in different ways.

Define Shift Abbreviations in Greater Detail

You can now use color and character formats to differentiate between shift abbreviations.
For each shift abbreviation, there is a total of eight (8) different colors, each with three different formats (normal, intensified and inverted), as well as four different character formats (normal, bold, italics and underlined).
The colors and character formats for shift abbreviations can be specified for each shift group, which ensures that you can differentiate between shift areas.
You can also use the same color and character format for shifts of the same type, such as Attendances, Availabilities or Attendances. This allows you to quickly identify if an employee is present or sick, and so on.
You can sort or set any sequence you like for shifts that are defined in this way. This sequence can then be used to display the shifts in the Shift abbreviation bar , or in the F4 Help.

In the standard SAP system, shift abbreviations are only proposed in different colors.

General Color and Character Formatting

This new activity in the Specify Shift Groups step allows you to specify which color and character format is used to display specific business situations in the shift plan.
The term "business situation" is used to refer to all results that may occur as a result of planning shifts.
They include:

In the standard SAP system, business situations are only proposed in different character formats.

Icons or Color/Character Formatting for Requirements Matchup

Previously, you could only display the different statuses of requirements coverage with different icons.
Now, you can display the different statuses with icons or different color and character formats in the shift plan.
You determine which form of display is used by choosing between the two shift plan display settings (color design or classic design).
If you choose to display the shift plan in the classic design (under Settings ), icons are used to display the status in Requirements Matchup.
If you choose to display the shift plan in the color design, colors are used to display the status in Requirements Matchup.

If Requirements Matchup is displayed in the color design, you can highlight fields in different colors or character formats. In this way, you can easily identify how many employees are currently assigned to this requirement, as well as the current status attained in Requirements Matchup.
You can also use different colors or character formats to display the different business situations, such as Requirements coveragedoes not meet target coverage or Requirements coverages matches minimum coverage. This allows you to easily recognize the current level of requirements coverage.

The standard SAP system only proposes colors for use in Requirements Matchup.