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Store Quantities in CO-PA Standard Unit of Measure

This function allows you to store all the quantities mapped to a CO-PA quantity field additionally in a CO-PA standard quantity unit.


You have mapped the billed quantity field in SD to the CO-PA quantity field "VVIQT", and also want to store all quantities billed in kilograms.

First you need to create an additional field "VVISU" ("Qty billed in KG") in the data structures of your operating concern. Then you map CO-PA billed quantity field "VVIQT" to the SD billed quantity field "FKIMG" using the function "Assign quantity fields" . Then you can map quantity field "VVISU" to quantity field "VVIQT" as follows:

 Source qty  Description

Standard qty  Description



VVIQT       Qty billed    VVISU         Qty billed in KG   KG

These settings mean that when actual data is transferred to CO-PA, the quantity transferred to quantity field "VVIQT" is translated to kilograms, and the quantity in kilograms is then posted in the field "VVISU".


The required CO-PA quantity fields must be contained in the data structures of your operating concern.


To activate the CO-PA standard quantity field(s), map them to a CO-PA quantity field that is populated with data from another application. In addition, specify the quantity unit to be used for each standard quantity field.

Further Notes

You should choose your standard quantity unit so that all materials can be translated to that unit. You should also make sure that the quantity unit you choose is either the base quantity unit or the alternative quantity unit in the material master records. If a translation to the standard quantity unit is not possible, the system issues an error message when actual data is transferred to CO-PA. The documents with which this happens cannot be updated in CO-PA.