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Dunning Proposal Processing


For Release 3.0A the following new functions have been added to the processing of the dunning proposal:

1. Selection by account dunning block
In the 'Dunning: Process Dunning Proposal' screen, it is also possible to select by account dunning block, which means that all accounts with a certain dunning block can be displayed.
2. Blocking an account for dunning during the current dunning run
You can now block an account for dunning in the account overview. However, this dunning block affects only the current run. If you set an account dunning block, the items in this account that were due for dunning cannot be processed.
3. Removing the account dunning block during the current run
As of 3.0A, the system displays accounts with a dunning block in their master record in the account overview. You then know which dunning blocks remove for the current dunning run. If you eliminate the dunning block, the system can process the dunning items again.
4. Blocking an account for dunning in its master record
As of 3.0A, you can navigate from the account overview directly to the master record where you can block an account for dunning for as long as you require. To do this, first select the appropriate account and then press F16 (master record). You can then set a dunning block in the master record. This dunning block, however, does not apply to the current run. If you want the block to apply to this run, you must also set it in the account overview.
5. Removing the account dunning block in the master record
It is of course possible to branch to the master record in order to reset a dunning block. To ensure that this account is then included in the currrent dunning run, you must also remove the block in the account overview.
6. Blocking a document for dunning permanently
As from Release 3.0A, you can branch directly from the dunning items processing screen to the document. To do this, you must select the document you want to process and then select the F2 button (document). You can also accomplish the same by double-clicking on the document. Once in the document, you can define a dunning block there. This would not, however, apply to the current run. If you want this block to be valid for the current run, you must also enter the block in the dunning proposal item overview.
7. Removing the document dunning block from the document
You can also remove the dunning block from the document. Yet again, however, this does not affect the current dunning run unless you also remove the block from the item overview.
8. Change log
The change log for Release 3.0A has been split into 'Account changes' and 'Item changes', both of which can be reached via the menu path Edit -> Dunning run -> Log of changes .