Automatic Requirements Grouping Within a Project 


You use this procedure if you would like to group the material requirements within a project and jointly plan and procure them, without having to make lots of changes to the master data.

It is not possible to group across projects using this procedure, that is, only the material requirements of the WBS element that belong to the project can be planned together.



The individual WBS elements within a project definition are assigned to one single grouping WBS element that belongs to the same project. The system uses the first WBS element on the highest level of the work breakdown structure as the grouping WBS element. All remaining WBS elements of the project are automatically assigned to this grouping WBS element.

Every material that is assigned to the project using networks and is allowed to be planned with requirements grouping, is planned with the highest WBS element of the work breakdown structure (this is the grouping WBS element of the project).

Material requirements planning groups the requirements and creates procurement elements that are assigned to the account of the WBS element.