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New Function 'Distribution of FI-SL Tables' Using ALE for Release 3.0A


With Release 3.0A, you can distribute SL tables to different SAP Systems using ALE (Application Link Enabling).

This allows you to send SL transaction data from a local system to a central system.

The steps listed below give a brief description of the actions that have to be performed for the distribution:

1. Definition of a distribution model
Here you can define at ledger level or at ledger - company code or ledger - global company level the logical system in which the data is stored centrally.
The central system defines a ledger (or a ledger - company code/ ledger - global company combination) that is to be used as the central ledger. This information is then distributed to all local systems so that they know where they must send their data. The distribution model is defined in ALE Customizing.
For more information, refer to the section 'Important information on ALE' at the end of this release note.
2. Definition of an error workflow in the central system
To be able to react to any errors that occurred when the data was transferred and entered the central system, you must define a workflow in the central system. You define the workflow in workflow Customizing.
For more information, refer to the section 'Important information on ALE' at the end of this release note.
3. Update of the field assignment table EDIMAP
To be able to export data from a local system to a central system, the field assignment table EDIMAP must be maintained; this table defines the assignment of the SL table field to the field in the data transfer structure (IDOC field).
This table is maintained by the central system using the 'Update assignment table' function (SL configuration menu -> Tools -> Distribution (ALE) -> Update assgnmnt tble) to define in which form the data sent to the central system is to be sent.
Update assignment table

Afterwards, the table EDIMAP is then distributed to the other local systems so that a correct communication can take place between the local system and the central system.
4. Generation of the export and import programs
The programs needed for the data export or data import are generated. This generation must be carried out both in the central system and in all local systems with the 'Generate export/import' function (SL configuration menu -> Tools -> Distribution (ALE) -> Gener.export/ import).
Generation of the export and import programs
5. Definition of an export ledger
An export ledger must be assigned to each ledger if the transaction data of this ledger is to be sent to a central system. The export ledger is used to store the amounts of all previous movements, so that only the differences are sent to central system when you transfer data again in the same period using the export ledger.
You define and assign the export ledger in ledger maintenance in SL Cusomizing. You must choose the 'normal' ledger whose data you want to send and then assign an export ledger to this ledger under the menu option 'Extras -> Export ledger'. When you enter the export ledger, it will be defined in the background at the same time.
Change ledger
6. Definition of an export rollup
Using the rollup header set, you define which data from the local system is to be sent to the central system.
When the data is transferred, you can transfer it on a 1:1 basis, or in summarized form using a user-defined field movement.
You define an export rollup in the SL application menu under the menu option 'Periodic processing -> Rollup -> Create'. You must select the rollup type 'Export'.
Create rollup
7. Executing the export rollup
When you execute the rollup, the data is finally sent from the local system to the central system defined in the distribution model and is then updated in the central system.
You can execute this function as often as required within a period because only the difference amounts since the last data transfer are sent to the central system.
These differences are determined using the export ledger that must be assigned to every 'normal' ledger that is to be transferred. The export ledger stores the amounts of all the data transfers that have previously taken place.
Execute rollup
8. Updating the sent data in the central system
After the data has been sent from the local system to the central system (in the form of IDOC's), the data must be updated in the central system. This is done using a workflow, which is called up when the IDOC enters the central system. This workflow calls up the above-mentioned import programs which are used to update the transferred data in the relevant SL tables.
In order that you can respond to any errors that may occur when the data enters the central system and is updated, you must have defined an error workflow beforehand (as described above).

Diagram of the data transfer

---------------- Field assignment --------------------
! Data ! table EDIMAP ! Create IDOC !
! selection ! ------------------> ! + send !
! (rollup) ! ! (export program) !
---------------- --------------------
Sender system ! ALE !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -!- - - - - -!- - - - - - -
Receiver system ! Layer !
----------------- Field assignment ! Receive IDOC !
! Update ! table EDIMAP ! /workflow) !
! data ! <------------------ ! !
! (SL update) ! ! Call SL import !
----------------- ! programs !

Important notes for distributing SL tables

The table to be distributed must have the same name in all systems and should basically have the same structure. However, it is possible that the central system can have fewer key fields than the local systems because the central system might not need to store all the detailed information. It is recommended, however, that the table definitions do not differ too much.

The configuration definitions for the ledgers and company codes/global companies to be distributed must be identical because data inconsistencies can otherwise occur.

Important information on ALE