

You can use the "Create/Change" function to change the SAP material master record for a selected part in the drawing.


The part in question must already have a reference to a material master record in the SAP system.

Menu path: SAP ® Material ® Create / Change

When you start the function, the command line prompts you to select an info point or an item number in the drawing. If this part does not have a reference to a material master record in the SAP system, the dialog box for creating the material master record in the SAP system will appear (see also Create).

If the part does have a reference, the following dialog box will appear:




Description of the dialog box:

The right-hand side of the dialog box displays fields from the master material record in the SAP system. If the fields are assigned to an AutoCAD attribute in the info point, the contents of the attribute fields in the info point or the position number will be displayed opposite on the left-hand side of the dialog box. You can change the contents of the active fields before changing the record. The AutoCAD fields (left-hand side of the dialog box) may already contain default values from various sources:

If applicable, the values in the AutoCAD fields of the dialog box can be overwritten in this order.


What the function does


Terminates the function "Change material master record in the SAP system". No changes are made to the contents of the AutoCAD attribute fields.


Starts the function "Change material master record in the SAP system". The material master record in the SAP system is changed on the basis of the contents of the active fields. Changes might also be written to the AutoCAD attributes.

In our example, we want to transfer the value "5,000" from the AutoCAD "Mass" attribute to the SAP "Gross weight" field.

If you are not authorized to perform these changes, you are informed of this, and the process will be terminated.


In our example, we see that, if we specify a value for the gross weight in the SAP system, we must also specify a unit of measure. You can correct your entries, and restart the process.




If the material master record was changed successfully, a message to this effect is issued.


If changes have been made to the AutoCAD fields, the changed attributes of the AutoCAD object will take effect in the drawing.

See also: SAP Material Master Record and AutoCAD Part