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Conversion of FI-SL Pool Tables to Transparent Tables


In Release 3.0, all FI-SL pool tables which were either productive or used for testing purposes in previous releases, should be converted to transparent tables.

An exception is the tables GLT2 (Consolidation) and GLTPC (Profit Center), together with their dependent line item tables.

These tables MUST be converted for Release 3.0 (as long as they were used either productively or for testing purposes in the components Consolidation and Profit Center in previous releases).

Information about GLT2 conversion

At this point, refer to the the relevant Release Note in Profit Center Accounting for the procedure regarding the conversion of table GLTPC.

All other tables must be converted according to the following guidelines:

Guidelines for the Conversion of FI-SL Pool Tables to Transparent Tables

1. Advantages of the conversion
a) Transparency of FI-SL tables
All the summary tables and line item tables used in FI-SL are transparent after the conversion, which means that they can, for example, also be edited using external means.
b) Improved processing times
Transparent tables have considerably better processing times than pool tables.
c) Table definition can be changed easily
Due to the structure of FI-SL object tables and tables with objects, it is very easy to make changes to the table definition, for example, entering a new key field.
For pool tables, this would require considerable effort.
d) Master data check using the object table
Using the object table that is assigned to each FI-SL summary table, you can validate the master data, for example, checking the validity period of specific code combinations.
2. Tables to be converted

The conversion of FI-SL pool tables to transparent tables is carried out by client, that is, you must start the relevant conversion programs in each client.
It is recommended that you first perform a test run of the conversion in the test client before converting in the productive system.

The following tables must be converted:
a) FI-SL summary tables of type 'pool'
In the initial screen of the conversion, you can call up an overview of all the pool tables used in FI-SL using the function 'Overview of pool tbl'.
You have to convert all the pool tables you are using productively.
b) FI-SL line item tables (actual and plan) of type 'pool'
See the procedure for FI-SL summary tables
c) FI-SL Control tables
All FI-SL control tables must be converted since the table name and also the field name for some fields change during the conversion.
This applies to the conversion of all components in FI-SL, such as sets, Report Writer, assessment/distribution, and so on.
3. Time of conversion

You can choose at what point you want to perform the conversion to transparent tables within Release 3.0 (exceptions: GLT2 and GLTPC).
With the option of first only converting the summary table(s) and converting line item table(s) at a later date, you have added freedom when choosing when you want to perform the conversion.
4. Procedure for the conversion

To avoid errors during the conversion, you must strictly follow the sequence of steps described below.
Most of the steps listed here can be found on the initial screen for the conversion (FI-SL Configuration menu -> Tools -> Conversion).
Initial screen for conversion
a) Preliminary measures
b) Executing the conversion
c) Generate report groups
After converting the Report Writer control tables and reports, you must regenerate the report groups.
Analyze the log that is output and make the necessary corrections.
If all report groups have been generated, you should again execute the reports you printed earlier (see above) and compare the results from before and after the conversion.
Generate report groups
d) Adapting application programs
If you are using your own application programs, you might have to adapt them to the new table names and field names.

The conversion of the summary table and the subsequent conversion of the FI-SL control tables is a logical unit and MUST be carried out in one step because the new table only becomes productive with the conversion of the control tables. Thus, you must never convert the summary table and then postpone the conversion of the control tables. In this case, the data posted between the two conversions would be missing in the new summary table.

If, up to now, the conversion has run without any serious errors, then the 'new' summary table and its assigned line item table(s) are now productive. This means that from now on, documents are posted to the line item table(s) and the summary table is updated.
You can no longer access the 'old' tables using FI-SL means.
e) Conversion of line item table(s)
After the summary table and the FI-SL control tables have been converted, the new summary table together with its dependent actual and plan line item tables is productive.
For this reson, you can convert the line item table(s) belonging to the already converted summary table at a later point in time.
If the line items are to be converted later, a backup of the respective line items table must also exist before the conversion; this backup can then be used in case something goes wrong during the conversion.
You cannot, of course, access the line items between the conversion of the summary table and the conversion of the line item table(s). Since, however, the summary table is generally always evaluated with reports, this restriction should not cause too many difficulties for a short transition period.
A special feature must also be taken into account for a later conversion of the line items: you must not perform a reversal run of an assessment, a distribution or a rollup in the period between the two conversions.
The conversion of the old line item table(s) can also be carried out in the productive system because they are no longer updated. However, it is not recommended to do so because this conversion involves an extreme load in the database.

Procedure if an error occurs
When converting the line items, the old line item records are deleted from the old table after they have been converted and written to the new table. The advantage of this being that the conversion of the line item table can be restarted without any previous actions if the system terminates processing. In this case, the conversion starts again from where it was cancelled.
Due to the simultaneous deletion during the conversion, however, there is one important difference to the conversion of the summary table:
With the summary table, you can access the old summary records at any time, but you cannot do so with the line items.
Convert line item table
f) Deleting the sets in the source table
If all the pool tables used in FI-SL are converted, you can delete their sets using the fuction 'Delete sets'.
Delete sets
g) Deleting the old pool tables
If all the pool tables used in FI-SL are converted, you can delete their transaction data using the function 'Delete transaction data' (note: you only need to delete the data of the summary tables since the data of the line item tables has already been deleted during the conversion). To obtain storage space, you should reorganize the pool which contains the tables (note: you will find the name of the pool in the repository).
Delete transaction data
Afterwards, you can delete the installation of the old tables from FI-SL and then you can finally delete the definition of the tables in the repository.
However, these steps should only be carried out after the conversion has been successfully completed.
5. Important notes on the conversion
a) Definition of the new tables in the repository
When creating the new tables, the technical default settings of the table must be maintained correctly.
Furthermore, processing time is improved if the indices of the summary and line item tables are not updated during the conversion of these tables. For this reason, you should delete all the indices defined for these tables before the conversion using the database utilities in the repository (transaction SE11 -> Utilities -> Data base utility -> Index). Do not forget to create the indices again in the same way after the conversion is successfully completed.
Caution: The indices for the object table(s) must always exist and must never be deleted.
b) Converting the summary table and the FI-SL control tables in one step
The conversion of a summary table and the subsequent conversion of the FI-SL control tables is a logical unit and must be carried out in one step because the new table is productive only after the control tables have been converted. Therefore, you must never convert the summary table and then postpone the conversion of the control tables. In this case, the data posted between the conversions would be missing in the new summary table.
c) Conversion of several summary tables
If you are using several summary tables, it is advisable not to convert these summary tables in parallel, but to completely convert each summary table including FI-SL control tables one at a time (if possible, the dependent line item tables as well). You should proceed to the next summary table after the first has been successfully converted.
A parallel conversion is technically possible but is not recommended due to a higher error rate based on a lack of clarity.
There is also no improvement in performance with parallel processing.
d) Conversion by client
The conversion must be carried out separately for each client.
e) Report Painter Reports
At this time, the conversion of Report Painter reports is NOT possible.
f) Background processing
It is recommended that you execute all functions in the background since you must expect processing to take a very long time. The easiest way to do this is via the menu option Program -> Run in background. In this case, the program is immediately started in the background.
6. Errors and how to correct them
a) Storage space in the export file is too small
Solution: Extend file system or choose a different export file.
b) No further extents are available in the tablespace
Solution: Extend tablespace for the table.
c) Error message: Error when deleting a record
Solution: Call up the relevant function again and contact your system administrator if the error occurs again.
d) Duplicate records occur when inserting into the summary table
Solution: Check the field movements for the conversion. A summarization was probably carried out during the conversion without the indicator 'Summarization during conversion' being set.
If this is the case, delete the transaction data from the target table and restart the conversion of the summary table (with 'Summarization during conversion').
e) Duplicate records occur when inserting into the line item table
Solution: Either index 1 or index 3 is probably defined as 'UNIQUE'. However, only index 2 can be defined as 'UNIQUE'.
Another possible cause could be an incorrect definition of the number range object 'GL-RECID': check the number range 01 of the number range object 'GL-RECID' using transaction SNRO: the FROM number must be set to 00000000000000001 and the TO number to 999999999999999999.

Check list for the Conversion

(please print and fill it out)

Source table (summary table):

Target table (summary table):