

This function enables you to aggregate values for specified format tree nodes (called aggregation nodes) and it makes this number available to a target field (element) in the DME file.

The aggregation function can be used at the end of a level or a file to:

In this case, you can only specify aggregation nodes that are filled with values (elements).

This could be the amount of all payments in a level.

In this case, you can specify any aggregation nodes because the system totals the number of occurrences, not specific values.

This could be the number of payments in a level.


When you create an element, select the mapping procedure Aggregation. On the Aggregation tabstrip, you enter the reference IDs of the nodes you wish to aggregate and the aggregation type – how the aggregation nodes are to be totaled to the target node (either summation of values or of total number of occurrences).