Creating a Server Process for Incoming Calls 

You must create a server process class that implements the IServerProcess interface, and implements the method IServerProcess.process().

The process() method contains the processing logic of the RFC server function you intend to offer. Each process() method reads the import and table parameter information and processes the data. Then, it uses the export and table parameters to return the results of the processing.

See the discussion of simple, structure, and table parameters in the RFC client section of this Help document. Also see the details of each of the objects in the Java RFC HTML Reference document.


public class ComputeTaxProcess implements

    public ComputeTaxProcess()
        // constructor actions
public void process(IServerFunction serverFunction)
        // Here you put in the code that reads import
        // and table parameter data, and processes the data _name =
            serverFunction.getImportParam("NAME"); _expensesTable =