Delivery Class 

The delivery class controls the transport of table data for installation, upgrade, client copy and when transporting between customer systems. The delivery class is also used in the extended table maintenance.

There are the following development classes:

Behavior during Client Copy

Only the data of client-dependent tables is copied.

Behavior during Installation, Upgrade and Language Import

The behavior of client-dependent tables differs from that of cross-client tables.

Client-Dependent Tables

Cross-Client Tables

Behavior during Transport between Customer Systems

Data records of tables having delivery class L are not imported into the target system. Data records of tables having delivery classes A, C, E, G, S and W are imported into the target system (for client-dependent tables this is done for the target clients specified in the transport).

Use of the Delivery Class in the Extended Table Maintenance

The delivery class is also used in the Extended Table Maintenance (SM30). The maintenance interface generated for a table makes the following checks: