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App Implementation: My OpportunitiesLocate this document in the navigation structure

System Landscape Requirements

In order to be able to implement this app, your system landscape has to be enabled for SAP Fiori. Depending on the database type serving as the basis in your system landscape, it has to be set up for SAP Fiori and has to meet the respective prerequisites:

The SAP product version in the back-end system serving as the basis for the app must be the following:

Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack)

  • SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP CRM 7.0 (11 (01/2016))
  • SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP CRM 7.0 (01 (01/2016))
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
  • The front-end components of the app consist of the user interfaces and content required for launching the app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.

  • The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These components have to be installed in your back-end system.

The front-end and back-end components of the app are delivered with the following SAP product versions as part of the listed software components. The required software components for the app are contained in the listed product instances:

App Component

Required SAP Product Version (Support Package Stack)

Available Instances Containing Software Component

Software Component Required for App (Support Package)

Front-End Components

SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP CRM ( 09 (01/2016) )

UICRM001 100 (0009 )

Back-End Components

  • SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP CRM 7.0 (11 (01/2016))
  • SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP CRM 7.0 (01 (01/2016))
  • CRM Application Server ABAP
  • CRM Application Server ABAP

BBPCRM 713 (0011 )

For more information about the installation of front-end components, see

Required SAP Notes

On the back-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:

SAP Note Number


not available

not available

On the front-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:

SAP Note Number


not available

not available

Implementation Tasks

The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the required components of the app. The tables contain the app-specific data required for these tasks.

You can find the data required to perform these tasks in the SAP Fiori apps reference library at:

Front-End Server : Activate OData Services


Technical Name

OData Service (Version Number)


For more information about how to activate the OData service, see Front-End Server: Activate OData Services .

Front-End Server: Activate SAPUI5 Application


Technical Name

SAPUI5 Application


For more information about how to activate the SAPUI5 application (ICF service), see Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services.

Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad

To define the access of single users to this app in the SAP Fiori launchpad, technical content is delivered, such as catalogs and example roles.

You can find an overview of the delivered technical content for this SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.

For more information about how to proceed with this content, see Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad.

Front-End Server and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users

You must assign OData service authorizations for the app to your users.


Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.

Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server :
  • On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.

  • On the front-end server , you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business role that has been adjusted according to your needs.

OData Service (Version Number)

Back-End Server: Delivered Authorization Role (PFCG Role)

Front-End Server : Assignment to Authorization Role


In addition, this role contains authorizations to display the related business data.



In addition, this role contains authorizations to display the related business data.

OData service authorization must be assigned.

Configuration Tasks

To be able to implement the app, you must perform the following configuration tasks in the back-end system:

  • Assign the Employee business partner role

    Ensure that each user who is to receive access to the app is assigned to a business partner with the Employee role.

  • Define transaction types

    Define transaction types for opportunities created in the app in Customizing for SAP CRM, under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Transactions Next navigation step Settings for Opportunities Next navigation step Define Settings for the "My Opportunities" App End of the navigation path.

  • Configure notes

    To display or create a note in the app, you must configure the text object CRM_ORDERH. This text type for a note accepts changes as P (Log) and " " (Edit). In Customizing for SAP CRM, under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Basic Functions Next navigation step Text Management Next navigation step Define Text Determination Procedure End of the navigation path, define the default text determination procedure for text object CRM_ORDERH as follows:


    If you are using text determination procedure OPP00001, proceed as follows:

    1. In Customizing for SAP CRM, under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Basic Functions Next navigation step Text Management Next navigation step Define Text Determination Procedure End of the navigation path, select the text object CRM_ORDERH and, in the tree on the left-hand side, choose Procedure.

    2. In the Procedure area, select OPP00001. In the tree on the left-hand side, choose Definition of Procedure.

    3. On the Definition of Procedure screen, set the Changes field to P or " ".

    • If multiple text types are marked as P (Log), only the first text type in the sequence is considered in the My Opportunities app.

    • If you want to display notes whose text type accepts changes as P (Log) on the My Opportunities app, you must define an additional text type R (Display Log).

  • Configure business partner determination

    Define business partner determination procedure in Customizing for SAP CRM, under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Basic Functions Next navigation step Partner Processing Next navigation step Define Partner Determination Procedure End of the navigation path. If business partners proposed by the system do not meet your business needs, use the BAdI CRM_DETERM_BP_ODATA_BADI to extend business partners.

  • Set copying control for follow-up transactions

    To create a new transaction that relates to an existing opportunity as a follow-up transaction, set copying control in Customizing for SAP CRM, under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Transactions Next navigation step Basic Settings Next navigation step Copying Control for Business Transactions Next navigation step Define Copying Control for Transaction Types End of the navigation path. Here you can define the permitted combinations of source and target (preceding and follow-up) transactions.

    Note You can specify that only certain activity types which you have specified under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Transactions Next navigation step Basic Settings Next navigation step Copying Control for Business Transactions Next navigation step Define Copying Control for Transaction Types End of the navigation path can be used as follow-up activities. To specify activity types, activate copying control for activities under Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Transactions Next navigation step Settings for Activities Next navigation step Activate Copying Control for Activities End of the navigation path. If you do not activate copying control for activities, all the activity types are available for you for follow-up activities.

    You can only create a follow-up transaction if the preceding transaction does not contain any errors. However, this does not apply if you are creating an activity.

  • (Optional) Extend the sales organization determination rule

    By default, the app uses the determination rule of the sales organization that is assigned to your account. You can use the BAdI CRM_DETERM_ORG_ODATA_BADI to define your own determination rule.

  • (Optional) Adjust mappings between user statuses and system statuses

    By default, when the app is launched, it searches and displays opportunities whose user statuses are mapped to two system statuses, I1002 and I1003. You can adjust mappings between user statuses and the two system statues to display desired opportunities when the app is launched.

  • Configure SAP Jam integration

    For more information about SAP Jam configuration, see the SAP Library entry for user interface add-on for SAP NetWeaver on SAP Help Portal at Under Application Help, open the SAP Library and choose Social Media Integration.

Additional Tasks for Configuring and Installing the App for Offline Use

If you want to deploy the app for offline use, you need to implement and configure it, then package it for installation on mobile devices. For more information about packaging, see Preparing SAP Fiori Apps for Offline Use.

In step 2 of the process described in Preparing SAP Fiori Apps for Offline Use, provide at least the following properties in the applications property array of the appConfig.js file:


Value for My Opportunities

Value for Reuse Library





My Opportunities






Opportunity- manageOpportunity









To provide common UI elements, you have to include the reuse library in each package that contains SAP CRM apps.

If you use the user interface add-on 2.0 for SAP NetWeaver on the front-end server, do not provide the following properties:

  • title

  • url

More Information

For more information about app implementation, see Start of the navigation path App Implementation Information for SAP Fiori End of the navigation path.