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  Prepared Enhancements


In FI-CA documents and requests, you can use the attribute Classification Key to identify documents. The classification key provides a similar function to the reference number, but allows keys with a length of up to 35 characters.

In the business partner item, you can use the Broker field. The broker represents a business partner that takes over the processing of certain processes, such as payment or dunning for the end customer.

Classification Key and Broker are enhancements supported in the sytem. This means that in the system delivered, these attributes are not initially active. You have to activate them explicitly in your installation.


Classification key

You can enter the classification key in the document header and it is available as an input field for the document display, document change, document reversal, and mass reversal.

The classification key is inherited in the business partner items and can be displayed in the account balance or in the processing of open items.

It can be used as selection criterion in the account balance, in the selection of open items (for example, in the payment lot or in online posting), for write-offs, in payment advice notes for incoming payments, or for the creation of an installment plan.


The field is:

  • An additional specification for document entry, document change, and document display

  • Selection criterion for the account balance

  • Selection criterion for the account maintenance

  • Selection criterion for other clearing processing

  • Selection criterion in payment lot


You activate the Classification Key and Broker fields in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Start of the navigation path Program Enhancements Next navigation step Prepared Enhancements End of the navigation path . When you run the corresponding reports in Customizing, these create the fields and database indexes required. In test mode, the report shows which enhancements would be made in an update run.

Note Note

If the classification key is active and you have posted documents with classification keys, the system administrator must update the database statistics for table DFKKKO.

If the broker is active, you should update the database statistics for table DFKKOP.

This is the only way to make sure that the new indexes are also used.

If you use requests, the same applies for table DFKKORDERPOS.

End of the note.

You can deactivate the classification key and the broker – but only manually. To do this, for the classification key, remove the field OPORD from the CI includes to which it was added, and for the broker, the field BROKR. You then have to convert the database tables. This conversion can have a long runtime if a lot of data records are affected. SAP therefore recommends that you weigh-up the activation of the field and then adhere to this decision.