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 Request Run


You use these functions to create lists or files for sales confirmation requests from wholesalers.

During a request run, the system selects those wholesalers whose reporting intervals have expired and who have not yet been sent a reminder.It then creates a list or file to request sales reports from each wholesaler selected.


You can schedule request runs and execute them if the following prerequisites are met:

You must have created the necessary master data.

You must have created the necessary request data for the wholesaler.

You must have created item data.


The following functions enable you to create requests:

Scheduling a request run as a job

You can schedule a request run as a job that Pendulum List Indirect Sales executes in the background at a specified point in time.

Performing a request run directly

You can perform a request run manually using a request run dialog box.

Subsequent issue of lists and files

The system can issue lists and files for requests subsequently. Subsequent issue refers solely to subsequent creation of output mediums. Pendulum List Indirect Sales only processes data entered for the request run number. The Check All Requested Items indicator is not relevant for subsequent output. To perform subsequent output, you have to enter a reporting date.

Print requests

During online processing, the system displays a list that you can use as a spool request.

Note that after this there is no additional opportunity to regenerate this list.


Restrict the area for which you want to determine wholesalers. If you enter a sales organization in the field Control request (for example, under Company ), under which all other sales organizations are summarized, entries in the Sales organization field are optional.

Perform the request run or schedule a request run.

If you have set the indicator for the generation of output media in the Flow Control area, you have to enter a reporting date by which the relevant wholesalers should report/confirm their sales

If a reporting interval has expired, the system considers that a sales report is due from that particular wholesaler in the next request run. The system checks whether the corresponding reporting interval for the wholesaler in question has the status Processed .

To avoid making repeat requests to the same wholesaler for the same period, the system checks in the Sales request history whether a request already exists for the period in question. If a wholesaler has, for example, reported their sales early, the system does not create a request run for this wholesaler for this period (no update made to the request file).

The system writes requests created without any errors to a request file. If errors occur while requests are being created, the system logs these errors.If a request does not refer to some of a wholesaler’s customers, the system can create a subsequent request for these customers.

The system creates requests for a period of up to a year in the past. During the request run it only considers materials or assortments with Active status in request data. The system removes materials and assortments that are flagged as Exclusive from requests.

The system checks whether data used to create indirect orders for reportable materials is complete. If this check shows that inconsistent or incomplete data exists, it issues messages. The system does not then generate any requests.

In the request for reportable materials the system creates indirect orders that it can use to update these materials in the SIS structure (requests). This can be done immediately or later as part of a background job.

If a material in a request appears several times (for example, in an assortment and in an item proposal), one of the redundant listed materials must be flagged as requiring confirmation, so that the system updates the item proposal number or assortment number.

Higher-Level Sales Organizations

Depending on the number and structure of sales organizations, it may make sense to combine the tasks of administration and control of sales in some sales organizations.

You can define a sales organization hierarchy to organize processing of requests and confirmations within a firm. You can assign different tasks to sales organizations:

Request for confirmations for defined sales organizations from a lower hierarchy level

Entry of confirmed sales for defined sales organizations on a lower hierarchy level

Consolidation and issue of sales data for sales organizations on lower hierarchy levels

You can distinguish between the following sales organizations:

Maintenance sales organizations

Output sales organizations

Choose Print to create a spool request.
