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  Displaying Compositions and Ingredients


You have run a specification search or loaded a set of hits and are on the hit list screen.

For more prerequisites, see Search and Data Output in the Specification Information System .


  1. Select the specifications for which you want to display compositions or ingredients.

  2. Choose one of the following steps:

    • If you have already activated the output variantyou want to use, continue with step 4.

    • If you have not activated any output variants or have activated a different output variant, choose with the quick info text Change Output Variant .

      The Display Output Variant: Group Overview dialog box appears.

  3. Double-click the output variant you want to use to display compositions and ingredients. The standard system contains the output variant COMPONENT in the group EMPTY for this.

    The system takes you back to the hit list.

  4. Choose with the quick info text Output .

    If you have chosen an output variant in which no value assignment type has been selected, a property tree containing all value assignment types of category Composition and Listing first appears. Choose the value assignment type you require by double-clicking.

    Note Note

    If you have already selected a value assignment type on the initial screen using the Substance contains components search function, this is selected automatically and the property tree does not appear.

    End of the note.

    The Specification Information System: Hierarchy Tree (< Value Assignment Type >) screen appears.

  5. Within the output COMPONENT, you can switch between the following outputs:

    • with the quick info text Hierarchy Tree :

      If you use this output, a fully expanded composition tree (hierarchy tree) for a specification appears. This output is set as the default when you call the output COMPONENT. The data record with sort sequence 1 is taken into account for the selected value assignment type.

    • with the quick info text Ingredients :

      If you use this output, the SAP system lists the specifications in the lowest nodes of the composition tree and determines the total proportion of each ingredient.

      The data record with sort sequence 1 for the selected value assignment type is also used as the basis here.

    • Components :

      If you use this output, all data records maintained for the specification of the currently displayed value assignment type are entered.

      When you double-click the key of an ingredient, it then becomes the root and the corresponding output for the ingredient is created. To go back to the original display, choose with the quick info text Higher-Level Specification .

      Note Note

      You can use with the quick info text Previous Specification and with the quick info text Next Specification to go to other selected specifications.

      End of the note.