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Function documentationRoadmap


You can use this function to specify the sequence of the infotype configurations that are offered in a roadmap process. This sequence is displayed in a navigable roadmap while the user is executing a roadmap process.

Note Note

In addition to the infotypes that are configured as roadmap steps in this node of the Design Time tool, the default process roadmap also contains a General Process Data step at the beginning and a Wrap-Up step at the end of the process. These steps are not displayed in the configuration of the roadmap but only at runtime when a user is executing the roadmap process.

The effective date for the roadmap process can be changed only when the General Process Data step is displayed right after the process has been started. Once you leave this screen, it cannot be changed any more.

End of the note.


  • You can view the standard infotype configurations for roadmap form scenarios in Customizing under Start of the navigation path Personnel Management Next navigation step Personnel and Organization Next navigation step Infotypes Next navigation step Infotype UI Configurations for Master Data Application Next navigation step Display Customer UI Configurations/Display Standard End of the navigation path.

  • You can override the standard infotype configurations in Customizing under Start of the navigation path Personnel Management Next navigation step Personnel and Organization Next navigation step Infotypes Next navigation step Infotype UI Configurations for Master Data Application Next navigation step Customer: Override UI Configurations End of the navigation path.


The following fields are available to configure the sequence of infotypes for a roadmap form:

  • No.

    This field displays the sequence number in which the single infotype configurations are offered to the user in a roadmap process. Sequential numbers are issued automatically, according to the sequence in which you enter the configuration IDs. You can change the order of the infotype configurations with the Move Down and Move Up buttons as required.

  • Configuration ID

    In this field, you enter a configuration ID that you have defined in Customizing for Personnel & Organization under Start of the navigation path Infotypes Next navigation step Infotype UI Configurations for Master Data Application Next navigation step Define Customer UI Configurations/Display Standard or Customer: Override UI Configurations End of the navigation path.

    Note Note

    You can use the same infotype configuration ID any number of times. It is identified based on the sequence number.

    End of the note.
  • Infotype Version

    This field displays the version of an infotype configuration that is used during process runtime. It is filled automatically, based on the infotype configuration ID that you enter for the roadmap.

    Note Note

    The infotype version that is defined on a form scenario level influences the configurations that you can define in the roadmap. If you define on form scenario level that the form scenario is, for example, only valid for the US, you will be able to select only US-specific or international configurations in the roadmap of this form scenario. For more information, see the information under Roadmap Form in the Activities section for form scenarios regarding the infotype version on form scenario level.

    If the infotype version ID is not maintained on the form scenario level, this field is hidden.

    End of the note.
  • Subtype

    With this field, you can restrict the infotype configuration for a subtype that you enter here.

  • Variable Key

    In Customizing for Personnel & Organization, you can create different UI configurations for an infotype configuration by using the variable key field.

    In this field, you can specify one of these variable keys to tell the system to use the corresponding UI configurations at runtime.

    Note Note

    If the infotype version ID is not maintained on form scenario level, this field is hidden.

    End of the note.
  • Operation

    In this field, you specify the following operations for the infotypes that you want to offer in the roadmap:

    • Create

      When you specify this infotype operation, the system creates a new infotype record valid as of the effective date.

    • Change

      When you specify this infotype operation, the system tries to retrieve an existing infotype record for the effective date and offers it for editing.

    • Copy

      When you specify this infotype operation, the system tries to derive an existing infotype record for the effective date. If such a record exists, the system copies it. If such a record does not exist, the system automatically switches to the Create mode and creates a new record.

    • Delimit

      If you specify this infotype operation, the infotype record valid at the effective date is displayed. All fields will be in read-only mode, except for the ENDDA field of the validity period, which is editable in order to delimit the infotype record. The ENDDA field is prefilled with the value EFFECTIVE-DATE minus 1 (and can be changed to a different value).

  • Attribute

    In this field, you specify whether an infotype is a required entry or optional at runtime in the roadmap process.

    • Mandatory: This attribute specifies that the infotype has to be maintained in the roadmap process. It cannot be skipped, because otherwise the complete roadmap process cannot be saved. It is possible to save a draft when mandatory infotypes have not been maintained yet.

    • Standard: This attribute specifies that the infotype is optional and can be skipped.

    Example Example

    You define a roadmap process for hiring employees. For the roadmap, you define the configurations of the infotypes Organizational Assignment (0001), Personal Data (0002) and Addresses (0006) as mandatory, whereas the configuration of the infotype Bank Details (0009) you define as standard. The user can then use and complete this roadmap process and hire an employee even if the bank data is not yet available.

    End of the example.


To define the roadmap for the form scenario, proceed as follows:

  1. In the object selection area, choose Form Scenario.

  2. Enter the form scenario name.

  3. In the object hierarchy area, choose the Roadmap node for the form scenario.

  4. Configure the roadmap for the infotypes to be processed. The sequence number is generated automatically. Perform the following:

    1. Enter the configuration ID of the infotype. The infotype version is filled out automatically.

    2. Enter a subtype if any.

    3. Enter a variable key if any.

    4. Select the operation to be performed from the dropdown list.

    5. Select the appropriate attribute for the infotype.