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 Assigning an Alternative Label to a Functional Location


A functional location could, for example, have the label BB-03 in a company-wide labeling system. However, in a customer-defined labeling system the same location should have the label RL-999.

Note Note

You do not rename the functional location label using this method. The master record of the functional location remains unchanged. Using the alternative label, you just create a reference to this master record in an alternative labeling system.

End of the note.


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Logistics Next navigation step Plant maintenance Next navigation step Technical objects End of the navigation path and then Start of the navigation path FunctLocation Next navigation step Change End of the navigation path .

  2. Enter the functional location label and choose Continue .

  3. Choose Start of the navigation path Extras Next navigation step Alternative labels Next navigation step Overview End of the navigation path . The Labels dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the required alternative labeling system and choose Change label . The Functional Location: Change Label dialog box is displayed.

  5. Enter the new, alternative label and choose Continue .

  6. The new, alternative label is displayed in the Labels dialog box for the corresponding labeling system.

  7. Choose Continue and you return to the master record of the functional location.