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Function documentationTalents with Invalid Performance Assessment/Potential Assessment When Conducting Talent Review Meetings


The participants of a talent review meeting can use this function to discuss talents whose performance and/or potential was not assessed in advance.


If for the Calibration Grid that you use in your talent review meetings it is specified that talents may only be moved on the X axis or only on the Y axis, the following dependencies exist:

  • Talents without valid performance value and potential value

    You can drag these talents into any box of the grid and move them anywhere within the grid. This is irrespective of whether moving is permitted for the axis of the calibration grid.

  • Talents with only one valid value

    If moving on the axis on which the valid value is displayed is not permitted, you can drag these talents only into the box of the grid that corresponds with the valid value. On the axis on which the missing value is displayed, you can move the talent anywhere, even if moving is not actually permitted on this axis.

Example Example

You specify that talents without a valid performance assessment or potential assessment can be discussed in your talent review meetings.

The following settings are defined for your calibration grid:

  • The performance value is displayed on the X axis. Movement on the X axis is permitted.

  • The potential value is displayed on the Y axis. Movement on the Y axis is not permitted.

When conducting a talent review meeting, you want to include the following talents in the calibration grid:

  • Talent A does not have a valid performance value or a valid potential value.

    You can drag this talent into any box of the calibration grid and move him or her anywhere within the grid.

  • Talent B has the performance value 3 and no valid potential value.

    You can drag this talent into any box of the calibration grid and move him or her anywhere within the grid.

  • Talent C has no valid performance value and the potential value 2.

    You can drag this talent into a box of the calibration grid that has the potential value 2. You can only move the talent on the X axis.

End of the example.


Display of Talents Without Valid Performance Assessment and/or Potential Assessment
  • The system displays talents without a valid performance and/or potential assessment in all the views of the talent review meeting (grid view, list view, business-card view).

  • In the grid view, the system displays the talents without a valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment next to the calibration grid in a separate screen area with the title Open Assessments.

    The following functions are available for displaying the talents in this screen area:

    • You can expand and collapse the screen area.

    • You can display the screen area enlarged in a list view.

      The standard SAP system displays the same data here as in the list view of the grid boxes.

      In the list view for the Open Assessments screen area, you can display different data to in the list view for the grid boxes. In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, under Start of the navigation path Basic Settings Next navigation step Adjusting the User Interfaces Next navigation step Configurations for Data Retrieval Next navigation step Create Configuration End of the navigation path, create a configuration and, under Assign Configuration to User Interface, assign it to the parameter RM_UNAPPRAISED_BOX_ZOOM_LIST.

    • You can move the mouse over a talent's missing performance and potential values to display a tooltip text.

      Here, the following information on the missing performance values and potential values is displayed:

      • No Assessment

        In the relevant period, the performance and/or the potential of the talent was not assessed.

      • <Value> of <Value>: Deviating Scale

        In the appraisal template for performance or potential with which the assessment was performed, a different scale from the one that you use in the talent review meeting is defined.

        Example Example

        3 of 5: Deviating Scale means: The manager used a scale with five values to make his or her assessment. The talent has the value 3 on this scale. However, in the talent review meeting you use a different scale, for example, one with three values. Since the value 3 has a different meaning on this scale than on a scale with five values, the manager's assessment cannot be used in the talent review meeting.

        End of the example.
      • <Value>: Invalid Value

        An error resulted in an invalid value that cannot be used in the talent review meeting.

        Example Example

        0: Invalid Value can mean: The value 0 is not permitted to be used, however as a result of an error, this value is stored for the talent.

        6: Invalid Value can mean: The value 6 is above the scale since a scale with the maximum value 5 was used.

        End of the example.
    • You can display the business card for a talent.

      The business card displays the calibration grid icon. For talents without a valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment, the calibration grid icon is empty. If there is a performance assessment or potential assessment for the previous period for the talent, this is displayed in the calibration grid icon.

      For more information, see Performance Values and Potential Values in the Calibration Grid Symbol.

    • You can display the short profile for a talent.

    • The filter for the grid view also affects the Open Assessments screen area.

Comparison of Talents

You compare talents without a valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment with each other or with talents with a valid performance assessment and potential assessment.

For more information about comparing talents, see Side-By-Side Comparison.

Inclusion of Further Talents

You can use the Add Talents pushbutton to add further talents without a valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment to the talent review meeting.

You can use the simple search or the advanced search to search for talents. To do so, you can configure the search such that the search result displays whether there is a valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment for the talents. For more information, see the “Integration” section of Discussion of Talents Without Performance/Potential Assessment in Talent Review Meetings.

Calibration of Talents in the Grid View
  • You can drag talents from the Open Assessments screen area to the required box of the calibration grid. The talents are thus assigned the combination of performance value and potential value valid for the grid box.

    Note Note

    If you have defined restrictions for the calibration grid for movement on the X or Y axis, you can assign the talent to certain grid boxes only (see “Integration”).

    End of the note.

    If you drag the talents from the Open Assessments screen area to the calibration grid, in the background, the system creates records for the infotypes Performance (7409) and Potential (7408). For more information, see Performance Values and Potential Values in the Talent Review Meeting: Talents with Invalid Performance Assessment/Potential Assessment.

  • You can approve the assignment of talents to a box of the calibration grid that you moved from the Open Assessments screen area to this box.

  • You can return individual talents or all talents that you moved from the Open Assessments screen area to the calibration grid to the Open Assessments screen area provided that the talent review meeting has not yet been completed. This has the following effects:

    • The talents receive the original (missing) performance values and potential values again.

    • The system deletes the infotype records that it created in the background.

    • If you had already approved the assignment to the box of the calibration grid, the system resets the approval.