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 Manually Confirming Proof of Delivery (POD)


From shipping, choose Start of the navigation path Proof of Delivery Next navigation step Worklist Outbound Deliveries for POD. End of the navigation path

The selection screen is divided into three sections:

  1. Predefine date and time

    Enter the POD confirmation date and time here. The system automatically enters the current date and time as a default.

    Result: This data is carried over into the selected list as deliveries not yet processed.

  2. Selection conditions for deliveries

    You can select according to criteria such as shipping point, route, actual goods movement date, POD date or delivery number.

    • You can specify which POD status you want to have displayed in the Deliveries worklist section:

    • Not yet edited (POD status A)

    • Verified (not confirmed) POD status B

    • Verified (confirmed) POD status C

    • Display all (POD status A,B,C)

  3. A worklist according to your selection criteria is displayed, which you can edit using the following options:

    • Select and sort deliveries

    • Change POD date and time (POD date)

    • Display document flow and details for a delivery

    • Choose, edit and save display variants for this list

    • Edit individual deliveries (see Change Single Document)

    • Display individual deliveries (Display Individual Documents)

    • Create billing document (following completed POD)

    • Display differences for a delivery (= worklist for subsequent processing)

    • POD fast confirmation for one or more deliveries from the list with processing log

Change single documents

  1. On the POD - Worklist screen, choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Process delivery. End of the navigation path

    The delivery appears with its corresponding difference quantities and reasons for deviation.

    POD status may have the following attributes:

    • A: The delivery item is relevant for the POD process because of Customizing

    • B: Differences were reported

    • C: Proof of delivery was confirmed

  2. Enter the difference quantities in either delivery units or stockkeeping units.

  3. Enter a reason for deviation.

    You can predefine up to 10 reasons with various quantities per delivery item in the Quantity Distribution per Item screen, which you can access by choosing Detail in the item line.

    Note Note

    The POD quantity is calculated from the delivery quantity and the difference quantity using a calculation indicator (+ or –) that is stored in Customizing for each reason. The data you enter can be saved at any time.

    End of the note.
  4. Confirm the verified differences and deviation reasons by choosing Confirm proof of delivery. If you carry out the confirmation process from the list, the POD time frame is not taken into account and all the outbound deliveries in the display that you have selected are confirmed.

    Note Note

    You can confirm the POD either immediately or later on. POD can be confirmed in each individual document (as explained above) or for multiple deliveries directly from the worklist. Only after confirmation has been completed can you initiate subsequent processing caused by differences that occurred or creation of a billing document with an adjusted POD quantity. You may not create billing documents using the billing due list until the POD confirmation has been completed.

    End of the note.

    If you want to cancel a confirmation, choose Cancel proof of delivery. Then, you can change the difference quantities and reasons and re-confirm, if necessary. You can only cancel the POD confirmation if billing documents have not yet been created and if no subsequent processing steps for value or quantity correction have been taken. Therefore, you have the option of changing or adding to quantities or deviation reasons after confirmation is officially completed.