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Definition of Query Selection CriteriaLocate this document in the navigation structure


During the definition of a new query (see Definition of Queries), you have to define selection criteria. Selection criteria specify which data the system retrieves from the underlying search connector during query processing. A selection criterion consists of a field ID, a relational operator, and a field value.


The definition of a selection criterion involves the following:

  • You have to define the ID of the selection criterion.

  • You have to define a field ID.

  • You have to select a relational operator, such as Equal ('=') or Lower Than ('<').

    • In selection criteria with relational operator Between, you can use value ranges.

    • In selection criteria with relational operator Equal ('='), fixed values used as values of text fields can contain wildcards if the data provider supports this function. You can use both multiple-character wildcards (*) and single-character wildcards (?) at arbitrary positions of the fixed value.

  • By selecting a value type, you can decide whether you want to define the field value in the form of a fixed value, a query input field, or a formula (see Definition of Query Formulas).

  • You can define the selection criterion as negated, which means that the system retrieves result data that does not meet the selection criterion.

  • You can define the selection criterion as compound. Queries can contain an arbitrary number of selection criteria connected by Boolean operators, such as Conjunction ('AND') (default) or Disjunction ('OR'). By using compound selection criteria, you can model parenthesis. For example, the expression (C1) AND ((C2) OR (C3)) can be modeled as (C1) AND (C1’) where (C1’) is a compound criterion of form (C2) OR (C3).


For more information about the setting of individual fields, see the field help and input help texts.