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 Resetting Clearing

Choose one of the following paths:

Role Account Maintenance, Transfer Postings, Reversals (SAP_FI_CA_ACCOUNT_MAIN_REVERS)→ Reset Clearing

SAP menu DocumentReset Clearing

On the initial screen, enter the number of the clearing document for which the clearing is to be reset. Since a reset document is created, you need to provide the following additional details for posting:

Document type

Posting date

Reconciliation key

Clearing reason

Under Scope of Reset , you can define whether clearing is to be reset fully, or only partially. If you only want to partially reset clearing, first define the level at which you want to make the selection:


Reference number

Document number

A selection screen appears; here you can define for each combination of the following data that occurs during clearing whether the corresponding part of clearing is to be reset.

Business partners

Contract account


Company code

Business area


Collective bill number

Document number (if reset per reference number was selected – see below)

Reference document number (if reset per document number was selected – see below)

Using the following additional selection buttons, you can control the selection further as follows:

By partner/account/contract

By reference number

By document number

If you decide to use the reference number or document number, on the following selection screen there is at least one item that you can select for each reference number or document number. If several company codes, business areas, divisions, partners, accounts, or contracts were involved in one document, there are more lines for you to select from.

Under Posting the Clearing Amount, you can decide how the clearing amount is to be posted:

Posting of a new open item to one of the business partners involved.

Distribution of the amount among the partners, accounts, contracts, company codes, business areas, and divisions involved in the clearing.

Posting of a new item to the clarification account for incoming payments.

If you wish to post the whole amount to one of the combinations of business partner, contract account, contract, company code, business area, and division involved, choose the setting Create a New Open Item . If the amount is to be distributed among the business partners, contract accounts, contracts, company codes, business areas, and divisions involved in the same way as the clearing is distributed, choose Retain Distribution to Accounts. With this setting, the simplest case is where only the clearing information is reset, and no new items are created. This case arises if:

No cash discount, small differences, exchange rate differences, or withholding taxes were posted in clearing

No statistical items were cleared

The system recognizes automatically whether this combination exists. If clearing was posted with an incoming payment using a payment lot, and the payment assignment is to be clarified again, choose Clearing Amount to Clarification Account . If you post the clearing amount to the clarification account, a new clarification case is opened automatically or the amount in an existing clarification case is increased. Some of this data is provided in the form of default values, but you can overwrite them as needed. You can display the corresponding items before posting the reset document. To do this, choose GotoCleared Items

Choose DocumentPost to post the reset document and thus reset the clearing.

The items for which clearing has been reversed can now be reassigned (for example, with account maintenance).


You cannot reset clearing per document or per reference number if the clearing document was posted in a release before 4.71 and budget billing requests, down payment requests, or statistical charges receivables were cleared or if interest on arrears was calculated and posted during clearing.

Note for collective bills

If you reset the clearing of a collective bill either wholly or in part, new open items are always posted to the collective bill account.

Making settings

System default settings do not cover the scope of the reset or the posting of the clearing amount. This is done deliberately to avoid incorrect settings being used for posting. If you wish to make a default setting, you can do so by saving the relevant setting.