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 Settings for Open Item Processing Screen


In order to allow efficient processing of open items, choose a suitable setting for the processing screen.


The possible settings are:

  • Command column (hidden/displayed)

    There you can specify whether the open items are to be processed with commands or function keys.

  • Summarization (hidden/displayed)

    There you can specify if related items are displayed in total or separately. Items are related if they:

    • Belong to the same document

    • Have the same business partner, contract account, due date, and other characteristics

    • Contain the same value in all items in the field for the summarization group when the document is being created

      Receivables items for various lines of business belong together, for example, if they are displayed together as a total amount in a customer's invoice.

  • Invoice amount (gross/net)

    Choose gross and amounts are displayed including the discount amount; choose net for amounts to be displayed without discount amounts.

  • Clearing amount (gross/net)

    Choose gross and amounts are displayed including the discount amount; choose net for amounts to be displayed without discount amounts.

  • Display currency (transaction currency/local currency)

    You can decide there whether you want to display amounts in the transaction or local currency.

  • Line layout

    The line layout determines the detailed information to be displayed for the open items in each line. You can define line layout variants in Customizing (see Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Start of the navigation path Basic Functions Next navigation step Open Item Management Next navigation step Define Line Layout Variants for Open Item Processing End of the navigation path).

  • Discount fields

    If you do not need cash discounts for the clearing transaction, you can hide these fields.

  • Horizontal scrolling

    For processing open items, you can create display variants in Customizing. A display area, which is variable to a limited extent, is available for the fields belonging to a display variant. The status column forms the boundary on the left side; on the right side, the boundary is formed by the columns for the amount fields, which should always be visible on the screen. For display variants containing a large number of fields, it can therefore be the case that the width of the variable area is not sufficient to display all of the fields.

    If you set the Active indicator, you can scroll horizontally through the fields of the display variant within the variable display area using the pushbuttons Display from 1st Column (Display from 1st Column), One Column to the Left (One Column to the Left) and One Column to the Right (One Column to the Right). In the Fixed Columns field, you specify how many columns of the display variant remain fixed when you scroll. You can thereby ensure that important information is always displayed, and is not hidden by horizontal scrolling.

    Example Example

    Your display variant begins with the document number, followed by other fields. During horizontal scrolling you want the column with the document number to always remain visible. Therefore, you enter the value 1 in the Fixed Columns field.

    End of the example.
  • Using the full width of the screen

    To exploit the full size of the screen and display the maximum possible number of columns, set the Maximum Screen Size indicator.


During processing of open items, choose the Change Layout (Change Layout) pushbutton and choose the settings you want.