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 Changing the Sold-to Party


Once you have entered a sales document, you can change which sold-to party it is assigned to. This might be necessary in the following situations:

  • You entered the wrong sold-to party when you created the sales document

  • During telesales, you want to enter the item first and then the sold-to party. Here, you would work with the default sold-to party first.

  • In make-to-order production, you want to start with a work-to-order before the final customer is known.

  • The first customer rejects a make-to-order production order but it is accepted by someone else.


When you create or change a sales document you can change the sold-to party simply by overwriting it.

When you change the sold-to party, the system runs the same checks as for the first sold-to party. It checks, for example, whether the sales area in the document is still valid for the second sold-to party. It also checks whether there is a listing or exclusion for any of the items.

You can also change the sold-to party:

  • In make-to-order production

  • In sales documents with special stocks, such as consignment

  • If a sales document is created from another sales document with non-status relevant copying

If you change the sold-to party, you need to redetermine the related data:

  • All business partners and data that arise from the sold-to party

  • Texts

  • Free goods

  • Prices

  • Output

  • Profitability segment

  • Customer master data (including the fields for Brazil and Argentina)

  • Data from the sales information record (such as the customer material number)

  • The system redetermines the plant if the system reads info records according to the sales order type, or the ship-to party changes

  • The system redetermines shipping points and routes if the shipping conditions change

The system does not redetermine the following data:

  • Material number (info record, material determination, product selection)

  • Sales office and sales group

  • Product allocation (availability check can be triggered manually)

  • Batch determination (can be triggered manually)

  • Reference data for the previous sold-to party (such as the purchase order number) remain the same but can be changed manually if necessary

Preassigning the Sold-to Party

You can use a default sold-to party if, when working with sales documents, you need to enter the items first and wait until the end before you enter the sold-to party (for example, for telephone sales). The default sold-to party allows you to create the sales order and save it before entering the real sold-to party.

Caution Caution

When you create the default sold-to party in the customer master, note the following:

There is an indicator in the customer master that allows you to replace the default sold-to party later with the real sold-to party. If the indicator is activated, and the default sold-to party has not been replaced, it appears as an incomplete field in the incompletion log. This indicator is in the customer master under Start of the navigation path Extras Next navigation step Account group info Next navigation step Customer types Next navigation step ( End of the navigation path Default SP field)

End of the caution.

You can save the default sold-to party as a default value for a particular user for all the sales document types by going to Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step User settings Next navigation step Own data Next navigation step , choosing the End of the navigation path Parameters tab page and saving parameter VAU for the default sold-to party.

You can use a transaction variant so that the value for the default sold-to party depends on the order type.


The sold-to party can only be changed on the overview screen and not on the Partner tab page.

When you change the sold-to party, the system does not redetermine the sales area.

The sold-to party cannot be redetermined from the ship-to party.

In the following cases, the sold-to party cannot be changed:

  • If there are preceding documents relevant to the status (for example, quotations) or subsequent documents for the sales document The Sold-to party field is not ready for input.

  • If a purchase order has been created from the sales document. The system does not distinguish between third-party and individual purchase orders.

  • If the sales order arises from a notification or from a service order

  • If a service order is generated from the sales document