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Function documentationTalent Monitor


This function provides you with an overview of all talents nominated for a talent review meeting and their managers. The display of the talents in the talent monitor is based on search configurations that you define in Customizing. The search configurations can be selected in the talent monitor as filters.


In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, you have made the settings under Start of the navigation path Talent Review Meeting Next navigation step Search Configurations for Talent Monitor End of the navigation path.


As a talent management specialist you can use the talent monitor to perform the following actions:

  • You can use one of the search configurations defined in Customizing as a filter.

    The filter specifies the conditions that an employee must fulfill to be displayed as a talent in the talent monitor. For more information about the filters, see the dialog box for selecting the filters.

    Example Example

    For example, the following filters are possible:

    • All employees for whom a valid performance value and potential value exists in the analysis period

    • All talents nominated as top talents

    End of the example.
  • You can display the talents in the talent monitor grouped according to different criteria, for example, by the organizational unit or the talent group to which they are assigned.

  • Using the calibration grid icon, the talent monitor displays the performance assessment and potential assessment for each talent.

    For more information, see Performance Values and Potential Values in the Calibration Grid Symbol.

  • You can track the status of managers' nominations of talents for talent review meetings.

    If you display the talents grouped by manager, the talent monitor displays the following numbers in parentheses for each manager:

    • Number of employees that meet the criteria of the filter selected

    • Total number of employees that report to this manager

    This provides you with a quick status overview of the managers' preparation for the talent review meeting.

    Example Example

    You have selected a filter that comprises all employees for whom there is a valid performance value and potential value in the analysis period. You display the talents grouped by manager.

    Therefore, the talent monitor displays the following numbers in parentheses for each manager:

    • Number of employees for whom the manager has already assessed their performance and potential

    • Total number of employees that report to this manager

    End of the example.
  • You can add talents from the talent monitor to an agenda topic of the talent review meeting so that they are discussed together in the talent review meeting.

    Example Example

    You group the displayed talents by talent group, for example, High Potentials, and add all talents with the same talent group assignment to the agenda topic High Potentials.

    End of the example.
  • You can store the following types of notes for the talents:

    • Private notes

      These notes are not visible during the talent review meeting. The processor of the talent review meeting can create, display, and edit these notes while planning, preparing, and following up on the talent review meeting.

    • Notes for the presentation

      These notes are visible for all participants during the talent review meeting.

  • You can select the Checked checkbox for the talents. This checkbox shows that you have checked whether all the information required for the talent review meeting is available for the talent.

  • You can update the display of the talent monitor.


  • You have the following options for displaying the talent monitor:

    • In the list of talent review meetings, you select the row with the talent review meeting for which you want to display the talent monitor.

      The talent monitor for this talent review meeting is shown under the list of the talent review meetings.

    • You choose the option for editing the talent review meeting of your choice.

      For the talent monitor, see the Preparation tab.

  • You have the following options for adding talents from the talent monitor to an agenda topic of the talent review meeting:

    • You add all talents displayed in the talent monitor to an agenda topic.

      To do so, in the talent monitor menu, you choose Copy All To.

    • You add all talents that meet a grouping criterion (for example, all talents of a particular manager) to an agenda topic.

      To do so, you group the talents by the criteria of your choice and choose the menu icon that is displayed next to the grouping criterion (for example, Name of Manager).

    • You add the talents to an agenda topic individually.

      To do so, proceed as follows:

      • You choose the menu icon that is displayed next to a talent's name.

      • You use drag and drop to drag the talent to the relevant agenda topic.

        Note Note

        This option is available only if you display the talent monitor while preparing a talent review meeting.

        End of the note.
  • To call the talent monitor menu, click on the title row of the monitor. The following options are available in the menu:

    • You can select a predefined filter. To do so, choose Settings.

    • You can update the display.

    • You can add all talents displayed in the talent monitor to an agenda topic.