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  Phase 1: Replacing an Actual History with a Target History


The replacement of the actual history with the target history is the first phase of the process for changing an equipment history. This phase starts with the creation of the target history and finishes with the “physical” replacement of the actual history with the target history.

To create a target history, you can use the actual history of a piece of equipment as a template. If the actual history of a piece of equipment is to be used as a template, only the changes to the template equipment are transferred to the target history (see “copying an event” below).

The replacement is documented in the conversion log .


In Customizing, you have defined which field changes for a piece of equipment lead to the creation of a history record.

You make these settings under Start of the navigation path Plant Maintenance and Customer Service Next navigation step Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service Next navigation step Technical Objects Next navigation step Equipment Next navigation step Equipment Usage Period Next navigation step Define History-Related Fields. End of the navigation path


Creation of a Target History

When you create a target history, you have the following options for creating events .

  • You can create an event (without a template)

  • You can copy an event from the actual history.

    If you copy an event from the actual history to the target history, the system only copies the changed fields in the event. Therefore, the system does not copy all of the event data, it just copies the changes that make up the event. For example, when copying an installation, only the change to the superordinate object is copied, changes caused by data inherited from the superordinate object, however, are not copied. The system executes the inheritance again for the new event.

  • You can copy several events from the actual history.

    If an error occurs when you are copying several events, the system does not copy any of the events, even if some of them could have been copied without errors. The system therefore does not change the target history.

    Note Note

    Copying events, leaving them out, or the inheritance of data from a superordinate object can cause the address of a piece of equipment to change. When you change an equipment history, however, you cannot change the address of a piece of equipment manually .

    If an inherited address changes because of a history change, the system deletes the address reference.

    If a maintained address changes because of a history change to a piece of equipment, the address is only deleted from the piece of equipment. The address reference is not deleted.

    You cannot use transaction IEQCM1 to set the indicator that specifies whether an installation was enforced. When you copy an installation event, however, this indicator is transferred.

    Note that when creating or copying, the system determines some fields automatically, for example, controlling area from the maintenance plant.

    When you install a piece of equipment in another piece of equipment or a functional location, the system checks if the maintenance plant is identical. If you have not entered a maintenance plant, the system uses the maintenance plant of the installation location.

    End of the note.
Special Features of the Process Screen

When you call up the transaction, the system displays the actual history of the relevant piece of equipment beginning from the start time, and it simultaneously locks the piece of equipment.

The first event displayed is the first event for the piece of equipment after the start time.

The initial event that was valid at the start time is not displayed and cannot be changed.

The following graphic is an example of the process screen.

Special Features of the Detail Screen

For each event, the system displays how many fields have changed. This number can be different to the number of changes that are shown in the detail screen. The system does not display all of the fields in the detail screen. Therefore, more fields may have changed internally than those that are shown.

Replacing the Actual History

During replacement, the following steps are carried out:

  1. The system passes on certain data to subordinate pieces of equipment.

    If the system passes on data to subordinate pieces of equipment, it only changes the data that lies within the installation time period of the subordinate piece of equipment. The data at the time of dismantling may therefore be different, for example, maintenance plant.

  2. The system replaces the actual history with the target history, creates a backup copy, and writes the change documents.

  3. The system deletes the old relationships to the measurement reading transfer.

    It determines the individual measurement documents for all pieces of equipment and documents them in the conversion log.

    You must check afterwards whether the individual measurement documents are still correct. They may now be incorrect because of the change to the equipment history.

  4. The system takes structure gaps into account.

  5. The system takes goods movements into account.

  6. The system takes the synchronization of fixed assets and equipment into account.

  7. The system takes the synchronization with the CRM system into account.


Some of the checks for phase 1 take place automatically at the start of phase 1, or when you save. Other checks for phase 1 take place when you choose Interim Status with the quick info text Check Interim Status . For more information, see Checks .

Note Note

When you carry out manual checks, the system locks the entire hierarchy.

End of the note.


  1. Call up transaction IEQCM1.

  2. Create the target history.

  3. To complete this process step, and to replace the actual history, choose Replace Actual History with Target History .