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Example: Table LISTDESCLocate this document in the navigation structure


In the example given in the Function Module EXIT_RSAQEXCE_001 section, the LISTDESC table has the following structure (the values of the FDESC field are at the end).

When you call the function module, the important entries in the table LISTDESC are all those where LISTDESC-LID = LIST_ID.

                                FDESC FNAME/FNAMENEW      |FCOL      |...
G00|01|0|000|X|C|010|00|010| | |   1) |KNA1-KUNNR         |Nummer    |
G00|02|0|000|X|C|035|00|035| | |   2) |KNA1-NAME1         |Name      |
G00|03|0|000|X|N|004|00|004| | |   3) |KNC1-GJAHR         |Jahr      |
G00|04|0|053| |P|008|02|021|F| |   4) |KNC1-UM01U         |Umsatz    |
G00|05|0|000|X|C|005|00|005|W| |   5) |T001-WAERS         |Währ      |
T01|01|0|000|X|C|003|00|003| | |   6) |T01-KNA1-LAND1     |Lnd       |
T01|02|0|005| |P|016|02|021|F| |   7) |T01-KNC1-UM01U     |DEM       |
T01|03|0|027| |I|004|00|008| |C|   8) |T01-C$T-KNC1-UM01U |Gsanz     |
T01|04|0|036| |P|004|03|009| |P|   9) |T01-P$R-KNC1-UM01U |Ant %     |
T01|05|0|047| |P|008|02|021|F|M|  10) |T01-A$G-KNC1-UM01U |MW        |
R01|01|0|000| |C|006|00|008| |R|  11) |V01-RANGCT         |Rang      |
R01|02|0|000|X|C|010|00|010| | |  12) |V01-KNA1-KUNNR     |Nummer    |
R01|03|0|000|X|C|035|00|035| | |  13) |V01-KNA1-NAME1     |Name      |
R01|04|0|057| |P|016|02|021|F| |  14) |V01-KNC1-UM01U     |Ums/DEM   |

1) Debitorennummer
2) Name
3) Geschäftsjahr
4) Umsatz in Buchungsperiode 1
5) Währungsschlüssel
6) Länderschlüssel
7) Umsatz in Buchungsperiode 1
8) Gesamtanzahl
9) Anteil in %
10) Mittelwert
11) Rang
12) Debitorennummer
13) Name
14) Umsatz in Buchungsperiode 1
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