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Geometry LayersLocate this document in the navigation structure

The geometry layer specifies geometry relevant information for a specific business layer. Each business layer can have three geometry layers, one for each geometry type (point, line and polygon). Additionally, for each geometry layer, you have the option to assign legends in the Legends node. Legend entries provide the ability to group the displayed objects differentiated by different symbol configurations.

The following section provides detailed explanations of all the fields and options that you’ll need to define:

  • Business Layer ID: Automatically populated in display mode; specifies the ID of the parent business layer

  • Geometry Layer ID:: Unique ID of the geometry layer

Common Info

  • Geometry Type: One of point, line or polygon

  • Description: Meaningful description of the geometry type

Symbol Definition

  • Default Symbol Desc.: Description of the default symbol

  • Default Symbol Label: Label of the default symbol

  • Default Symbol: Default symbol of layer display type

  • Default Symbol Path: Path to the default symbol


    Default symbol is used only with the layer display type “Unique” and “Range”. Please see the Legends section below for more information on legend display types. If a legend driven symbol is not determined by the attributes of the object, the default symbol is shown on the map from the map provider, and in the legend on the map UI. It is recommended to use legend display type Simple if you have only one symbol to display.

  • Highlight Symbol: Highlight applied symbol when the objects are selected on the layer

  • HighlightSymbol Path: Path to the highlight symbol


    Highlight symbol is used to highlight your selected objects on the map UI or when you search for your business objects.

Symbol Determination

This section is used to determine which symbol must be used to represent a specific geometry.

  • Layer Display Type: Type of display for the geometry layer; can be one of simple, unique or range.

    The Simple legend display type uses one symbol only, icon or defined shape. This symbol is used for all objects of this geometry layer.

    The Unique legend display type depends on the defined attributes of name/value pairs. You can define different symbols for up to three combinations of name/value pairs. For example, if you have country of origin as an attribute for the Business Partner object, you can define a symbol (icon) with the picture of the country’s flag. Each Business Partner will be recognized by the country’s flag.

  • Attribute 1: Matching field for the unique or range layer display types.

  • Attribute 2: Matching field for the unique layer display type.

  • Attribute 3: Matching field for the unique layer display type.

  • Attribute Delimiter: Separator of multiple fields in unique layer display type. You have to maintain this field if you have several attributes for a unique legend display type. Examples of delimiters are “,” (comma), “/” (forward slash) or “|” (pipe) – whichever character is not used within values of your attribute.


This node is used to define the legends and the values of the fields used by a geometry layer.

  • Business Layer ID: Automatically populated; ID of the parent business layer that the legend belongs to

  • Geometry Layer ID: Automatically populated; ID of the parent geometry layer that the legend belongs to

  • Legend ID: Unique ID of legend

  • Symbol: Pipe (|) separated symbol. For more information, refer to the Symbol section below.

  • Symbol path ID: Service path for the picture marker symbol mainly used to symbolize point geometry layer

  • Attribute 1 Value for Symbol: Value of matching field for unique or range layer display types

  • Attribute 2 Value for Symbol: Value of matching field for unique layer display type

  • Attribute 3 Value for Symbol: Value of matching field for unique layer display type

  • Symbol Description: Meaningful description of the symbol

  • Symbol Label Name: Label of the symbol


This is a predefined character string to represent an internal symbol object.

Symbol definition syntax varies by map provider. The following definition is for the default map provider esri.

A symbol is mainly defined for the following types:

  • Simple point symbol


    Values here are separated by “|” and explained here in the order of appearance:

    • point: Type of symbol, for point is point

    • square: Shape of the point; supports circle, triangle, cross, diamond, square and x styles

    • 10: Size of the point symbol on the map in pixels

    • 0x008000: Filling color of the point symbol in HEX format

    • 1: Angle property of the symbol; defines a number of degrees (0 to 360) that a symbol is rotated

    • 0: X offset in pixels

    • 0: Y offset in pixels

    • solid: Outline of the symbol; supports solid, dash, dashdotdot, and dot styles

    • 0X00FFFF: Color of the outline defined in HEX format

    • 1.0: Transparency of the color for the outline from 0.0 to 1.0

    • 2: Width of the outline in pixels

  • Simple line symbol


    Values here are separated by “|” and explained here in the order of appearance:

    • polyline: Type of symbol; for line is polyline

    • solid: Style of the line symbol; for line, supports solid, dash, dashdotdot, and dot styles

    • 0X00FFFF: Color of the line symbol defined in HEX format

    • 1.0: Transparency of the color for the line symbol

    • 4: Width of the line symbol

  • Simple fill symbol


    Values here are separated by “|” and explained here in the order of appearance:

    • polygon: Type of symbol; for polygon the value is polygon

    • solid: Style of the fill symbol, for polygon, the value can be solid

    • 0x008000: Color of the fill of polygon symbol defined in HEX form

    • 0.5: Transparency of the color for the polygon symbol

    • solid: Style of the outline of the polygon symbol, the value can be SOLID

    • 0X00FFFF: Color of the outline defined in HEX format

    • 2: Width of the outline

  • Picture marker symbol


    Values here are separated by “|” and explained here in the order of appearance:

    • picturemarker: Type of symbol; for picturemarker is picturemarker

    • HEADQUARTER_HIGHLIGHT.PNG : Image or icon; can also provide the relative path with the image or icon together

    • 16: Width of the image or icon

    • 16: Height of the image or icon

    • 0: Angle property of the symbol; defines a number of degrees (0 to 360) that a symbol is rotated

    • 0: x offset property

    • 0: y offset property