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 Repeating Group Types


Types are used to organize repeating groups according to their different functions.


The following repeating group types exist:

  • Master group (M)

    Master groups read the characteristic value assignments of a value assignment type in a loop. You therefore always need to specify the key of the value assignment type.

    Dependent tables:

    • Specification Value assignment type assignment (ESTVH)

    • Value assignment (ESTVA)

    • Value assignment source (ESTDS)

    • Source (TCG46)

    • Value assignment assessment (ESTDR)

    • Assessment key (TCG71)

    • Assessment text (TCG72)

  • Master group with instance control (MIC) /master group with instance control

    The value assignment instances for a master group with instance control (MIC repeating group) are first subjected to a usage check. The subsequent instance control is then carried out in two steps:

    1. As is the case with a master group (M), all of the value assignment instances are first selected for data output in the report when the report body is generated. All of the specification symbols in the MIC repeating group are expanded.

    2. Instance control is carried out when the final report is generated. Here, all of the value assignment instances output when the report body was generated are evaluated by output rules (see Output Rules for the Report Views During Generation of Final Reports in Selecting the Report View ). Depending on the result of the evaluation and the selected report view, the characteristic values output when the report body was generated might not be transferred to the final report.

      The value assignment instances that are output are evaluated using the values stored in a control structure. This control structure is created when the report body is generated and contains the characteristic values of the value assignment instances that were output. The system can also update control structure to include the characteristic values that are relevant for generating the final report before the instance control is carried out. This update of the control structure can be activated or deactivated using the environment parameter REP_IC_NOCSUPDATE.

      Caution Caution

      The instance control must be implemented separately for each value assignment type using the BAdI BADI_ESS_REP_ICL_SELECT.

      End of the caution.

      Note Note

      The standard system features a BAdI implementation for the value assignment type Use and Exposure Scenario (SAP_EHS_1027_001) that can be used to implement the report view (see Output Rules for the Report Views During Generation of Final Reports in Selecting the Report View ) for the eSDS generation.

      End of the note.
  • Master group (MIC:POS)

    This repeating group is used to output the MIC items, which are assigned to the value assignment instances, on the report template. These value assignment instances have already been output by MIC repeating groups. The way that the MIC item is defined depends on how instance control is implemented for the individual value assignment types. For example, the value assignment type Use and Exposure Scenario (SAP_EHS_1027_001) is the union of all specifications (specification listing) and all user-defined text documents of the user-defined text type ESD that are assigned to a value assignment instance.

    A standardized descriptor is then formed from the objects that are relevant for creating an MIC item. This descriptor ensures that identical MIC items are output only once in the report template by the MIC:POS repeating group. Each MIC item within the MIC:POS or MIC repeating group can also be assigned a reference number (symbol EHS_ICSCNR).

    The MIC:POS repeating group is linked to the MIC repeating groups by the MIC items. This means that a loop pass only occurs for the MIC:POS repeating group if instance control output a value assignment instance for at least one MIC repeating group and an MIC item was found at the same time.

  • Slave group (S:POS)

    The repeating group iterates over all components of a value assignment type of the category Composition or Listing . You must thus nest the slave repeating group in a master group.

    Dependent table: Value assignment item (ESTVP)

  • Slave group (S:POSD)

    A component of a value assignment type of the category Composition or Listing may in turn consist of other components. You can expand these up to a specified depth. If you do not specify a depth, the complete hierarchy is expanded. You must nest the slave repeating group in a master group.

    Dependent table: Value assignment item (ESTVP)

  • Slave group (S:FREI)

    You can use this type of repeating group to save and print user-defined texts for assigning values to a value assignment type. Use the user-defined text or user-defined text type symbol and define a repeating group type S:FREI around the symbol. You can use the usage of these slave repeating groups to restrict the selection to the user-defined text type. You must nest the slave repeating group in a master group.

    Dependent table: User-defined texts (ESTDF)

  • Slave group (S:VERW)

    You use the symbol for ratings or validity areas to display usages. You then define a repeating group of type S:VERW around the symbol. The usage is always assigned to the value assignment of a value assignment type. You must thus nest the slave repeating group in a master group.

    Dependent table: Additional info – value assignment usage (ESTDU)

  • Slave group (S:CLASS)

    The repeating group iterates over all UN-listed substances of a value assignment type of the category Transport classification . You must thus nest the slave repeating group in a master group.

    Dependent table: Transport EST0F

    Since UN-listed substances are assigned to the transport classification depending on regulations, the system only displays the legal data of the listed substance to which these regulations apply (see Example: Repeating Group S:CLASS and Output of Dangerous Goods Data ).

  • Validity area and language (G)

    If you defined discrete validity areas and languages in addition to the global validity area in the generation variant, you can use this type of repeating group to access these validity-language combinations.

    The system determines all combinations in a loop and uses them to determine the correct expansion value of the symbol in the repeating group. You can therefore use this function to expand data that is country-specific (see Example: Repeating Group of Type G ).

    You can also specify the following parameters within a repeating group of type G to restrict the output:

    • Validity area category or validity area

    • Language

      Data for this is output only if the corresponding validity areas exist in the relevant report generation variant.

      You can use the following variants in your report template:

    • Validity area and language restriction

      Example Example


      End of the example.
    • Validity area category and language restriction

      Example Example


      End of the example.
    • Validity area category restriction

      Example Example


      End of the example.
  • Discrete expansion of multiple values (D)

    Normally, the system displays multiple value assignments in one line, separated by a comma or other separator (see Editing Specification or Parameter Symbols ). This repeating group type displays values in separate lines and is thus defined directly around the corresponding characteristic that contains the multiple value assignment.

    Using this repeating group type you can also realize enhanced requirements for separating the individual multiple value assignments. In particular, you can also output graphics with multiple values assigned using this function (see Section D in Example: Layout of an Abridged Material Safety Data Sheet ).

    In this repeating group type you can also specify ranges and thus control which specific value assignments of a multiple value assignment are output. A range specified in the repeating group thus has priority over a range in the symbol unless the range in the repeating group is 1-9999 (*) or blank.

  • Sources (Q)

    Sources are assigned sequential numbers and are appended at the end of the document. You can choose between the following output options:

    • An alphabetical list of all sources

    • A list according to where the sources are used in the text

      Dependent tables:

    • Source of value assignment

    • Source (TCG46)

      See Example: Creating a List of Sources .

  • Parameter hierarchy (P)

    See Parameter Hierarchy .

  • User exit repeating group (Exit)

    With the user exit repeating group you can program your own repeating group for data selection and use it in the document template with the Windows Wordprocessor Integration (WWI) program. The user exit repeating group is defined in Customizing in the IMG activities Specify Report Symbol Groups and Manage User Exits (see Example: User Exit Repeating Groups ).

  • Recipe Management

    See Repeating Groups for Formulas .

    Note Note

    You can define user exits for all repeating groups. For more information, see the documentation for the user exit category GEN* in the IMG activity Manage User Exits .

    End of the note.