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Object documentationFollow-Up (Infotype 7438)


Infotype in which the system stores the information about the follow-up activities for a talent review meeting.


When following up on a talent review meeting, talent management specialists perform follow-up activities. For example, they can transfer the current performance values and potential values that were defined for the employees in the talent review meeting to the appraisal documents for the performance assessment and potential assessment, and edit, approve, or reject talent group nominations.

In the background, the system creates a record for the Follow-Up infotype for the talent review meeting and stores information about the follow-up activities and the ID of the talent review meeting in this record (object type RM).


In the Follow-Up infotype, the system defines the following information:

  • ID of the central person of the talent for whom the follow-up activity was performed (object type CP)

  • Indicates whether the talent is on hold

    This checkbox specifies that the talent has been excluded from follow-up in the current talent review meeting because the follow-up actvities are not relevant for this talent at present.

  • ID and description of the follow-up activity

  • Follow-up status

  • ID of the error log

  • When following up on talent groups: ID and object type (TB) of the relevant talent group(s)