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 Standard Task PdvDispProfi (PA-PD)


When this standard task is executed, either a profile matchup is displayed (if the changes were made to a Requirements subprofile) or the subprofile that was changed is displayed (applies to all other subprofiles except Appraisals where appraiser and Appraisals where appraiser ).

Standard task: 1200191

Abbreviation: PDVDispProfi

Name: HR Development Subprofile or Display Profile Matchup


Method Referenced, Properties

Object type: BUS7030 ( development subprofile )

Method: SHOWSUBPROFILEORPROFILEMATCHUP ( HR Subprofile or Display Profile Matchup )

Agent Assignment

At runtime, this standard task is addressed to the "owner" of the changed subprofile in question using role resolution. In the case of a Requirements subprofile, the holder(s) of the job or position in question are determined. Since the employee in question can be any employee, the task must be classified as a general task .

You can also use another role here (for example, 157 Manager ) if, for example, you wish to inform the employee’s supervisor, and not the employee, of the changes made to the subprofile.