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Function documentationTalent Profile for Managers and Talent Management Specialists


In the talent profile, you can see the information relevant to Talent Management that the employee has stored for his or her professional background, mobility, and so on. You also define additional information such as your assessment of the performance, potential, or possible derailers for the employee concerned.


  • To be able to display an employee's resume in the talent profile, the newest version of Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your PC.

  • For you to be able to display a print preview of the talent profile, Adobe Reader must be installed on your PC.


  • You can display an overview of the information stored in the talent profile. From the overview, you can jump to the part of the talent profile that contains detailed information.

  • You can display the information for the categories that are edited by the employee. For more information about the talent profile categories edited by the employee, see Talent Profile for Employees.

    The talent profile for managers and talent management specialists differs from the talent profile for employees as follows:

    • The categories Internal Work Experience, External Work Experience, Accomplishments, and Education are displayed together on the Resume tab. An overview of the information stored in the subcategories is available for this tab.

    • On the Development tab, the development plan is displayed in addition to the employee's learning actvities and the mandatory courses.

  • In place of the employee, you can define or edit information in the categories that are edited by the employee.

    For example, this is useful if the employee does not have access to a computer or the ERP system. In such a case, you can discuss with the employee which information he or she would like to store in the talent profile and then enter this information for the employee.

  • As a manager, you can assess your employees and thus define information in the talent profile. For example, the assessment of employees can affect the following categories:

    • Performance

    • Potential

    • Competencies

    • Derailers

    The assessments are displayed in the talent profile as follows:

    • The Overview tab provides you with an overview of the values. Customizing determines which categories are displayed here.

    • On the Talent Assessment tab of the talent profile, you can display the assessment documents that exist for the relevant employee.

  • You can display the employee's development plan. For more information, see Talent Development.

  • You can display a print preview of the talent profile as a PDF file and then print the profile. For more information, see Talent Profile in Print Format.


  • Manager

    • To define information (for example, on the employee's performance) in the talent profile, perform a corresponding assessment. Depending on how employees are assessed in your enterprise, you can use the following applications:

      • Talent assessment with predefined Performance Management process and talent assessment document

      • Employee assessment with flexible appraisal processes

      For more information, see Assessment of Employees and Calibration Process for Employee Assessments.

      Note Note

      If you use the talent assessment and an employee has been appraised by more than one manager, the Overview tab displays the mean value for each of the individual elements of the following categories:

      • Risks

      • Derailers

      • Competencies

      • Potential

      End of the note.

      Example Example

      An employee has changed position. Therefore, in the same appraisal period, two managers have used the appraisal process for risks to assess the retention risk and the impact of loss for this employee. In this case, under Retention Risk and Impact of Loss, the talent profile overview displays the mean value of both assessments for this employee.

      End of the example.
    • To define information in the employee categories of the talent profile, select the required employee in the Talent Information application and choose Employee Self-Service.

    • To display the complete talent profile, select the required employee in the Talent Information application and choose Talent Profile.

  • Talent Management Specialist

    • To define information in the employee categories of the talent profile, select an employee in the Talent Search application and choose Employee Self-Service or Edit Employee Categories.

    • To display the talent profile, select an employee in the Talent Search application and choose Talent Profile.