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  Explanations on Sample Report Template


The following prerequisites must be fulfilled so that the symbols are expanded when reports are generated manually (see also the “Prerequisites” section under Document Template Layout Editing ):

The values of the characteristics, phrases, and table fields to which the symbols refer exist for the following objects:

For the specification for which you want to generate the report

For the components of this specification as section C contains symbols that reference the hazardous ingredients of the specification

The usages assigned to the various value assignments must be identical to the validity area and the rating for the generation variant.

You must have set the active indicator for the individual value assignments.

You need to record the values for symbols of type Parameter manually (in this case: Product: EXTRATHION and report no.: 000001). (Data for the symbol type Parameter is only expanded from the relevant SAP component when you trigger shipping automatically.)

Section A

Lines 1- 3: Symbol type EHS_L_TEXT (symbol type Descriptor ) references text modules in a phrase library. The parentheses contain the phrase library key and the phrase key. These keys are separated by a hyphen.

Line 3: Symbol type Parameter references data from other SAP components (the symbol key GLIPSARKTX references the material description).

Section B

Lines 3, 4: Symbol type Specification with symbol key GESTRIDENT references identifiers.

Line 3: The system selects all identifiers of the category NAM and type TRIV .

Line 4: The system selects all identifiers of the category NAM and type CC .

Line 6: Symbol type Specification and expansion mode GPC + C define that the system outputs the phrase code for a phrase-related characteristic. In the example, the phrase codes refer to characteristic Hazard symbol (symbol key G1023001SY ) of value assignment type Labeling (symbol key SAP_EHS_1023_001 ). The asterisk*in symbol < 01G1023001SY (C; * ) > denotes that the system is to output all phrase codes in the value assignment record of the characteristic.

A repeating group of the type master (M, SAP_EHS_1023_001 ) is defined around symbol G1023001SY in case several value assignment records exist for the value assignment type Labeling . The asterisk* (M,SAP_EHS_1023_001; * ) denotes that the system is to expand all value assignment records.

The repeating group is defined by the control objects start of repeating group (BRG001) and end of repeating group (ERG001) as well as by the master group assignment ( M,SAP_EHS_1023_001; * )

The system therefore searches in all value assignment records for all value assignments of the characteristic G1023001SY for the value assignment type with the key SAP_EHS_1023_001 and outputs the values as a phrase code.

All repeating groups terminate with end of repeating group ( ERGnnn ). All control objects are automatically assigned a serial number.

Section C

You can use the Microsoft Word function Table when you want to define a table in your document.

Line 3: Symbol type Descriptor creates the column headings in the table.

Lines 5, 6 / Column1: Symbol type Specification with symbol key GESTRIDENT references identifiers. The system selects all identifiers of the category NAM and type IUPAC .

Line 5 / Column2: Symbol type Specification with expansion type GPC + C outputs the phrase codes for the phrase-related characteristic R phrases (symbol key G1023001R2 ) of value assignment type Labeling (symbol key SAP_EHS_1023_001 ).

Lines 5- 8 / Column3: Symbol type Specification is used to output three table fields of the SAP component specification management .

Symbol key GESTVPRECL references field Operator lower limit . The system outputs<>or nothing depending on the field value.

Symbol key GESTVCOMPL references field Lower limit component and outputs the value of the field.

Symbol key GESTVCOMPE references field Exponent and outputs the exponent type, for example, %, %%.

Lines 4 and 6 or 9: The definition of a repeating group of type Slave ( S:POS ) ensures that the system reads all components listed under the value assignment type Hazardous ingredients. The system outputs the following data for these components according to the symbols:

The corresponding identifiers (the IUPAC name)

The corresponding risk phrases

The percentage of the individual components in the hazardous ingredients

In order to define a line break after each component, you need to enter the key combinationSHIFT+RETURN() after control object < BRGnnn(SPOS;*)> .

Lines 2 and 10: To ensure that the system outputs all components that belong to the hazardous ingredients (symbol key SAP_EHS_1012_004) in the tables defined above, you need to define a repeating group of type Master that references the value assignment type SAP_EHS_1012_004 around the whole table.

Section D

Lines 3, 4: You want to output all phrases assigned to phrase-related characteristic First aid: eye (symbol key G1015003AD ) as a list with each item separated by an asterisk. Note that you need to enter periods that you want to output at the end of a phrase manually.

Using symbol type Specification and expansion mode GPC + P , you first define that the system only outputs the first phrase of the phrase-related characteristic.

You now need to insert the same symbol once more and define that the system outputs all phrases with the exception of the first. Insert a repeating group type D ( discrete expansion of multiple values ) around the symbol. You need to specify, both in the control object as well as in the symbol, that the system is to output all values with the exception of the first(2-*). Insert a line break after the control object <11BRPnnn(D;2-*)> . Define a colon as the separator, for example.

If you want to output the phrases as a list without a separator, you only need to define a repeating group type D around the symbol and a line break behind it:


<11BRG005(D;*)> <01G1015003AD(P;*)> ¶ <11ERG005>


The quantity definition in the discrete repeating group does not have any effect on the report you output. Instead, it is the quantity definition around the symbol that determines the number of values the system outputs for a characteristic with multiple value assignments.

Section E

Line 3: You created a table and want to output the following data in the table columns:

Descriptions (symbol type Descriptor ) You want to output the description and a colon in the first column. To prevent the description from being repeated in each cell of the first column, use the conditioned text function.

Values for various characteristics (symbol type Specification ) These characteristics are part of value assignment type pH value (symbol key SAP_EHS_1013_019).

Lines 2, 4: To output all value assignment records, you need to define a special repeating group of type Master group around the complete table.

Lines 5- 7: A table for value assignment type Density (symbol key SAP_EHS_1013_005 ) is defined in a similar way in these lines.

Section F

Line 1: Apart from symbol type Descriptor the footer also contains symbol type Parameter that is used to output the report number. When the report is generated from the Sales and Distribution (SD) component, the report number is assigned automatically by the system.