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Step 1 (Result): The Initial AppLocate this document in the navigation structure

With the generated code (SAP Web IDE) or the downloaded code from Explored, you have an initial app structure with the following content inside the webapp folder.

  • Home Page (webapp/view/Worklist.view.xml file)

    The home page of the app shows a table of products including the corresponding number of units in the stock. The title of the table shows how many items are available. A search field in the header toolbar of the table allows to search for a product by name. Pressing a table row navigates the user to a new page that shows the details of the pressed product.

  • Data

    You can run the app with the real service or with the mock server serving mock data. In the webapp/localService/mockserver.js file, the mock server is configured. Using the mock server in this tutorial allows us to easily run the code even without network connection and without the need of having a remote server for our application data. To run the app with the mock server and its corresponding mock data the /webapp/test/testService.html file has to be called in the browser.

    The webapp/localService/metadata.xml file is used by the mock server to describe our OData service. In this step, the mock server will generate mock data based on this file. In a subsequent step the mock server will use our own custom mock data.

  • Configuration of the App

    In the webapp/manifest.json descriptor file, we configure our app. The descriptor file contains the following relevant sections:

      In this section we reference an file and use a special syntax to bind the texts for the title and description properties. In the dataSources section, we tell our app where to find our mainService OData service. As you might guess, the URI correlates to the rootUri of our mock server instance which can be found in webapp/localService/mockserver.js. It is important that these two paths match to allow our mock server to provide the test data we defined above.

    • sap.ui5

      In the sap.ui5 section, we declare with the rootView parameter that our myCompany.myApp.view.App view shall be loaded and used as the rootView for our app.

      Furthermore, we define two models to be automatically instantiated and bound to the component: an i18n model and a default model "". The latter references our mainService dataSource which is declared in our section as an OData 2.0 data source. The i18n file can be found at webapp/i18n/ The mainService data source will be mocked by our mock server.


    There is no webapp/index.html file in this tutorial. Instead, there is a test.html file in the webapp folder. This test.html file serves as an easy entry point for developers to run and test the app in various ways during development. It contains links to the relevant files inside our app to run the app in different modes, i.e. with the MockServer or with data from the real Northwind service (only in case you generated the code from the SAP Web IDE template).