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SAP Fiori LaunchpadLocate this document in the navigation structure

SAP Fiori launchpad is a shell that hosts SAP Fiori apps, and provides the apps with services such as navigation, personalization, embedded support, and application configuration.

SAP Fiori launchpad is the entry point to SAP Fiori apps on mobile and desktop devices. The launchpad displays a home page with tiles, which can display live status indicators, such as the number of open tasks. Each tile represents a business application that the user can launch. This includes SAP Business Suite transactional applications, and SAP Smart Business analytical applications. The launchpad is role-based, displaying tiles according to the user’s role.

Layout Personalization
The tiles on the home page are arranged in groups. The user can personalize the layout of the home page, by grouping, moving, and removing tiles. The user can also add, delete, rename, and reorder groups. To add tiles to groups, the launchpad provides a tile catalog, which displays all the tiles that are available to a user.
Responsive Design
The visual design of the launchpad adapts automatically to the device screen size and shows only tiles of apps that are supported on the current device. In addition, tiles have varying degrees of opacity according to the user's use of the apps; frequently-used apps visually stand out in comparison to less frequently-used apps, which are more transparent.
Search Capabilities
The launchpad provides search capabilities, including support for SAP Enterprise Search to search across SAP Business Suite entities, and enabling search in the tile catalog.
Theming and Branding
The launchpad theme can be adapted using the UI Theme Designer tool.
APIs are provided to enable implementing a custom launchpad UI, and a custom tile type.
SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer
SAP Fiori launchpad designer is a browser-based administration tool that enables an administrator to configure tiles, create groups for the home page, and create catalogs for the tile catalog.
More Information

For more information, see SAP Library for Fiori on SAP Help Portal at

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