The following sections describe what SAP can change in major, minor, and patch releases. Always consider these rules when developing apps, features, or controls with or for SAPUI5.
Never manipulate HTML/CSS via JavaScript (domRef.className = "someCSSClass";) or directly via CSS, for example. Always follow our recommendations under CSS Styling Issues.
Never use or override "private" functions that are not part of the API Reference. Private functions are typically (but not always) prefixed with a preceding "_". Always double-check the API Reference, private functions are not listed there.
Unless otherwise mentioned, the word "API" in this section refers to "public API", meaning functions, classes, namespaces, controls along with their declared properties, aggregations, and so on. The sole definition of the public API is the , which is included in the SAPUI5 Demo Kit. Features that are not mentioned there are not part of the API.
The following rules apply for introducing new APIs or making incompatible changes to existing APIs:
Major release (x.yy.zz): A new major version can introduce new APIs or make incompatible changes to existing APIs.
Minor release (x.yy.zz): A new minor version can introduce new APIs but must not contain incompatible changes to any APIs.
Patch release (x.yy.zz): A new patch version only contains fixes to the existing implementation, but does not usually contain new features or incompatible API changes.
The following changes to existing APIs are compatible and can be done anytime:
Adding new libraries, controls, classes, properties, functions, or namespaces
Generalizing properties, that is moving properties up in the inheritance hierarchy
Adding new values to enumeration types; this means that when dealing with enum properties, always be prepared to accept new values, for example, by implementing a "default" or "otherwise" path when reacting on enum values.
The following is not part of the public API and may change in patch and minor releases:
Open source libraries (see Third-Party Open Source Libraries)
Log messages
The following changes to existing APIs are incompatible, but can be done in a new major release:
Renaming an API (library, namespace, function, property, control, events, and so on)
Removing support for parameters
Removing support for configuration entries
Reducing the visibility of an API; this does not break JavaScript applications, but changes the contract
Removing or reordering parameters in an API signature
Reducing the accepted value range, for example, parameter of a function
Broadening the value range of a return value (or property). Exception: enumerations
Moving JavaScript artifacts (namespaces, functions, classes) between modules
Replacing asserts with precondition checks
Moving properties (and so on) down in the inheritance hierarchy
Changing the name of enum values
Changing defaults (properties, function parameters)
Renaming or removing files
Inheriting from SAPUI5 objects (e.g. by calling sap.ui.extend on an existing control to add custom functionality) may endanger the updatability of your code.
MyClass.prototype.onAfterRendering = function() { SuperClass.prototype.onAfterRendering.apply(this); // do your additional stuff AFTER calling super class }
SAP might add, remove, or change the internal implementation of the parent class at any time. Especially, you should not rely on the following functionality:
Internal structures and methods that are not part of the public API
Any internal logic and behavior of the object that is not reflected in the public API
All rendering functionality of a control, including the HTML structure and CSS classes
Naming collisions with SAPUI5 structures and methods. SAPUI5 might introduce new API or internal structures at a later point in time that collide with your implementation. To avoid collisions, a custom prefix may be applied. Don't use namespaces starting with sap.m.* or sap.ui.* in your app.
We recommend that you test inherited classes very carefully after updating SAPUI5 to make sure that the extended functionality is still working as expected.
If possible and appropriate, we mark old artifacts as deprecated and create new artifacts, instead of making incompatible changes. A deprecation comment in the corresponding API documentation, and perhaps also a log entry in the implementation, explain why and when an artifact has been deprecated and include tips on how to achieve the same results without using deprecated functionality.
Some features or controls delivered with the current SAPUI5 version are flagged as "experimental". These experimental features and controls are not part of the released scope of the delivered SAPUI5 version. Do not use experimental features or controls in a productive environment, or with data that has not been sufficiently backed up.
Experimental features and controls can be changed or deleted at any time without notice, and without a formal deprecation process. They may also be incompatible to changes provided in an upgrade.
SAPUI5 contains and uses several third-party open source libraries, such as jQuery. These libraries can also be used by applications and/or custom control libraries, but the SAPUI5 compatibility rules described in this document do not apply to these third-party libraries.
If you want to use the third-party open source libraries included in SAPUI5, note the following restrictions:
SAP decides which versions and modules of the used libraries are provided.
SAP can upgrade to a higher version of the used libraries even within a patch release.
If we change to a new default version of a library, we document our findings that might have an effect on SAPUI5 apps (see Upgrading). Make sure that you adapt your code if necessary!
For important reasons such as security, SAPUI5 can stop providing a library at any time.
The third-party libraries are provided "as is". Extensions, adaptations, and support are not performed or provided by SAP.
You are only allowed to use closed source libraries for the SAPUI5 controls for which they are intended.
For a list of the third-party open source software used in SAPUI5, see the Included Third-Party Software link in the About dialog in the Demo Kit.