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Overview of the CSS classes currently supported by SAPUI5.

CSS Class Name CSS Property sap_bluecrystal All Themes Description
sapThemeFontFamily font-family X X Default font
sapThemeFontSize font-size X X Default font size
sapThemeFont font-family+font-size X X Default font and font size
sapThemeText color X X Default text color
sapThemeText-asColor color X X Default text color
sapThemeText-asBackgroundColor background-color X X Default text color
sapThemeText-asBorderColor border-color X X Default text color
sapThemeText-asOutlineColor outline-color X X Default text color
sapThemeTextInverted color X X Default color of inverted text
sapThemeTextInverted-asColor color X X Default color of inverted text
sapThemeBaseBG background-color X X Base color for all backgrounds
sapThemeBaseBG-asBackgroundColor background-color X X Base color for all backgrounds
sapThemeBaseBG-asBorderColor border-color X X Base color for all backgrounds
sapThemeBaseBG-asColor color X X Base color for all backgrounds
sapThemeBrand-asColor color X X Brand color
sapThemeBrand-asBorderColor border-color X X Brand color
sapThemeBrand-asBackgroundColor background-color X X Brand color
sapThemeBrand-asOutlineColor outline-color X X Brand color
sapThemeHighlight-asColor color X X Color for highlighted elements
sapThemeHighlight-asBorderColor border-color X X Color for highlighted elements
sapThemeHighlight-asBackgroundColor background-color X X Color for highlighted elements
sapThemeHighlight-asOutlineColor outline-color X X Brand color
sapThemePageBG background-color X - Background color of mobile pages
sapThemePageBG-asColor color X - Background color of mobile pages
sapThemeBarBG background-color X - Background color for header bars in mobile pages
sapThemeBarHeading color X - Header text color for header bars in mobile pages
sapThemeBarText color X - Normal text color for header bars in mobile pages
sapThemeNegativeText color X - Semantic negative text color
sapThemeCriticalText color X - Semantic critical text color
sapThemePositiveText color X - Semantic positive text color
sapThemeLightText color X - Light text color
sapThemeMediumText color X - Medium text color
sapThemeDarkText color X - Dark text color

You can also check the availability of the sapTheme classes across the predefined themes Blue Crystal and High Contrast Black (HCB) in the Theme-dependent CSS-classes sample in the Explored section of the Demo Kit.