- Step 1: Hello World!
As you know SAPUI5 is all about HTML5. Let’s get started with building a first “Hello
World” with only HTML.
- Step 2: Bootstrap
Before we can do something with SAPUI5, we need to load and initialize it. This process
of loading and initializing SAPUI5 is called bootstrapping. Once this
bootstrapping is finished, we simply display an alert.
- Step 3: Controls
Now it is time to build our first little UI by replacing the “Hello World” text in the
HTML body by the SAPUI5 control
sap.m.Text. In the beginning, we will use the JavaScript control
interface to set up the UI, the control instance is then placed into the HTML body.
- Step 4: XML Views
Putting all our UI into the index.html file will very soon result in a
messy setup and there is quite a bit of work ahead of us. So let’s do a first modularization
by putting the sap.m.Text control into a dedicated view.
SAPUI5 supports multiple
view types (XML, HTML, JavaScript). We choose XML as this produces the most readable code
and will force us to separate the view declaration from the controller logic. Yet the look
of our UI will not change.
- Step 5: Controllers
In this step, we replace the text with a button and show the “Hello World” message when
the button is pressed. The handling of the button's press event is
implemented in the controller of the view.
- Step 6: Modules
In SAPUI5, resources are often referred to as "modules". In this step, we
replace the alert from the last exercise with a proper "Message Toast" from the sap.m library. The required modules are
enabled to be loaded asynchronously.
- Step 7: JSON Model
Now that we have set up the view and controller, it’s about time to think about the "M" in MVC. We will add an input field to our app,
bind its value to the model, and bind the same value to the description of the input field. The description will be directly updated as the
user types.
- Step 8: Translatable Texts
In this step we move the texts of our UI to a separate resource file. This way, they are
all in a central place and can be easily translated into other languages. This process of
internationalization – in short i18n – is achieved in SAPUI5 by using a special
resource model and the standard data binding syntax, but without preceding
- Step 9: Component Configuration
After we have introduced all three parts of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept, we
now come to another important structural aspect of SAPUI5. In this step, we will
encapsulate all UI assets in a component that is independent from our
index.html file. Components are independent and reusable parts used in
SAPUI5 applications. Whenever we access resources, we will now do this relatively to the
component (instead of relatively to the index.html). This architectural
change allows our app to be used in more flexible environments than our static
index.html page, such as in a surrounding container like the SAP Fiori
- Step 10: Descriptor for Applications
All application-specific configuration settings will now further be put in a separate
descriptor file called manifest.json. This clearly separates the
application coding from the configuration settings and makes our app even more flexible. For
example, all SAP Fiori applications are realized as components and come with a descriptor
file in order to be hosted in the SAP Fiori launchpad.
- Step 11: Pages and Panels
After all the work on the app structure it’s time to improve the look of our app. We
will use two controls from the sap.m library to add a bit more "bling" to
our UI. You will also learn about control aggregations in this step.
- Step 12: Shell Control as Container
Now we use a shell control as container for our app and use it as our new root element.
The shell takes care of visual adaptation of the application to the device’s screen size by
introducing a so-called letterbox on desktop screens.
- Step 13: Margins and Paddings
Our app content is still glued to the corners of the letterbox. To fine-tune our layout,
we can add margins and paddings to the controls that we added in the previous step. But
instead of manually adding CSS to the controls, we will use the standard classes provided by
SAPUI5. These classes take
care of consistent sizing steps, left-to-right support, and responsiveness.
- Step 14: Custom CSS and Theme Colors
Sometimes we need to define some more fine-granular layouts and this is when we can use
the flexibility of CSS by adding custom style classes to controls and style them as we like.
- Step 15: Nested Views
Our panel content is getting more and more complex and now it is time to move the panel content to a separate view. With that approach,
the application structure is much easier to understand, and the individual parts of the app can be reused.
- Step 16: Dialogs and Fragments
In this step, we will take a closer look at another element which can be used to
assemble views: the fragment.
- Step 17: Fragment Callbacks
Now that we have integrated the dialog, it's time to add some user interaction. The user
will definitely want to close the dialog again at some point, so we add a button to close
the dialog and assign an event handler.
- Step 18: Icons
Our dialog is still pretty much empty. Since SAPUI5 is shipped with a large icon font
that contains more than 500 icons, we will add an icon to greet our users when the dialog is
- Step 19: Reuse Dialogs
In step 16 we created a dialog as fragment, because we wanted it to be reusable across
views or across our whole app. But we placed the logic for retrieving the dialog instance
and for opening and closing it respectively in the controller of the
HelloPanel view. Sticking to this approach would require copying and
pasting the code to the controller of each view that needs our dialog. This would of course
cause an undesired code redundancy we definitely want to avoid. In this step, we will
implement the solution to this problem: We now expand our reuse concept and invoke the
dialog at component level.
- Step 20: Aggregation Binding
Now that we have established a good structure for our app, it's time to add some more
functionality. We start exploring more features of data binding by adding some invoice data
in JSON format that we display in a list below the panel.
- Step 21: Data Types
The list of invoices is already looking nice, but what is an invoice without a price
assigned? Typically prices are stored in a technical format and with a '.'
delimiter in the data model. For example, our invoice for pineapples has the calculated
price 87.2 without a currency. We are going to use the SAPUI5 data types to format the
price properly, with a locale-dependent decimal separator and two digits after the
- Step 22: Expression Binding
Sometimes the predefined types of SAPUI5 are not flexible enough
and you want to do a simple calculation or formatting in the view - that is where
expressions are really helpful. We use them to format our price according to the current
number in the data model.
- Step 23: Custom Formatters
If we want to do a more complex logic for formatting properties of our data model, we
can also write a custom formatting function. We will now add a localized status with a
custom formatter, because the status in our data model is in a rather technical
- Step 24: Filtering
In this step, we add a search field for our product list and define a filter that
represents the search term. When searching, the list is automatically updated to show only
the items that match the search term.
- Step 25: Sorting and Grouping
To make our list of invoices even more user-friendly, we sort it alphabetically instead
of just showing the order from the data model. Additionally, we introduce groups and add the
company that ships the products so that the data is easier to consume.
- Step 26: Remote OData Service
So far we have only worked with local JSON data, but now we will access a real OData
service. Instead of implementing an own OData service we will simply use the publicly
available Northwind OData service to visualize remote data. You will be surprised how little
needs to be changed in order to make this work!
- Step 27: Mock Server Configuration
We just ran our app against a real service, but for developing and testing our app we do
not want to rely on the availability of the “real” service or put additional load on the
system where the data service is located. This system is the so-called back-end system that
we will now simulate with a SAPUI5 feature called mock
server. It serves local files, but it simulates a back-end system more realistically than
just loading the local data. We will also change the model instantiation part so that the
model is configured in the descriptor and instantiated automatically by SAPUI5. This way, we do not
need to take care of the model instantiation in the code.
- Step 28: Unit Test with QUnit
Now that we have a test folder in the app, we can start to increase our test coverage.
Actually, every feature that we added to the app so far, would require a separate test case.
We have totally neglected this so far, so let’s add a simple unit test for our custom
formatter function from Step 23. We will test if the long text for our status is correct by
comparing it with the texts from our resource bundle.
- Step 29: Integration Test with OPA
If we want to test interaction patterns or more visual features of our app, we can also
write an integration test. We haven’t thought about testing our interaction with the app
yet, so in this step we will check if the dialog actually opens when we click the “Say Hello
with Dialog” button. We can easily do this with OPA5, a feature of SAPUI5 that is easy to
set up and is based on JavaScript and QUnit. Using integration and unit tests and running
them consistently in a continuous integration (CI) environment, we can make sure that we
don’t accidentally break our app or introduce logical errors in existing code.
- Step 30: Debugging Tools
Even though we have added a basic test coverage in the previous steps, it seems like we
accidentally broke our app, because it does not display prices to our invoices anymore. We
need to debug the issue and fix it before someone finds out. Luckily, SAPUI5 provides a
couple of debugging tools that we can use within the app to check the application logic and
the developer tools of modern browsers are also quite good. We will now check for the root
- Step 31: Routing and Navigation
So far, we have put all app content on one single page. As we add more and more
features, we want to split the content and put it on separate pages. In this step, we will
use the SAPUI5 navigation features to load and show a separate detail page that we can later
use to display details for an invoice. In the previous steps, we defined the page directly
in the app view so that it is displayed when the app is loaded. We will now use the SAPUI5
router class to load the pages and update the URL for us automatically. We specify a routing
configuration for our app and create a separate view for each page of the app, then we
connect the views by triggering navigation events
- Step 32: Routing with Parameters
We can now navigate between the overview and the detail page, but the actual item that
we selected in the overview is not displayed on the detail page yet. A typical use case for
our app is to show additional information for the selected item on the detail page. To make
this work, we have to pass over the information which item has been selected to the detail
page and show the details for the item there.
- Step 33: Routing Back and History
Now we can navigate to our detail page and display an invoice, but we cannot go back to
the overview page yet. We'll add a back button to the detail page and implement a function
that shows our overview page again.
- Step 34: Custom Controls
In this step, we are going to extend the functionality of SAPUI5 with a custom control.
We want to rate the product shown on the detail page, so we create a composition of multiple
standard controls using the SAPUI5 extension mechanism and add some glue code to make them
work nicely together. This way, we can reuse the control across the app and keep all related
functionality in one module.
- Step 35: Responsiveness
In this step, we improve the responsiveness of our app. SAPUI5 applications can be run
on phone, tablet, and desktop devices and we can configure the application to make best use
of the screen estate for each scenario. Fortunately, SAPUI5 controls like the
sap.m.Table already deliver a lot of features that we can
- Step 36: Device Adaptation
We now configure the visibility and properties of controls based on the device that we
run the application on. By making use of the sap.ui.Device API and defining
a device model we will make the app look great on many devices.
- Step 37: Content Density
In the last step of our Walkthrough tutorial, we adjust the content density based on the
user’s device. SAPUI5 contains
different content densities allowing you to display larger controls for touch-enabled
devices and a smaller, more compact design for devices that are operated by mouse. In our
app, we will detect the device and adjust the density accordingly.
- Summary
You should now be familiar with the major development paradigms and concepts of SAPUI5 and have created a very
simple first app. You are now ready to build a proper app based on what you've