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Routing in ComponentsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Routing can also be used in components.

Applications usually use components. The routing in components comprises four steps:
  • Configuration

  • Initialization

  • Access

  • View ownership


To implement the navigation framework, configure and initialize the router. You can do this inside the component. First, define the routing metadata as follows:

metadata : {
    routing: {
        config: { // default values for routing
            viewType : "XML",
            viewPath: "default.path.view",
            clearTarget: false
        routes: { // contains routing configuration objects
            "myRouteName" : {
                name : ,
                pattern : "FirstView/{from}",
                view : "myViewId"

The routing metadata has two parameters:

  • config contains the default values for every route; default values are overwritten by custom route values

  • routes contains an array of all routes defined by the component


The router now needs to be initialized by the component, for example in the init function.

init : function() {
    sap.ui.core.UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
    // this component should automatically initialize the router!

To access the router and to use its functions, use the getRouter() function or the static getRouterFor function of the UI component. You can pass either a controller, or a view:

var oRouter = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);

You can also use the getRouter function of your UI component.

Ownership of views

All views that are generated by the router are automatically created in the context of the component.