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Configuration OptionsLocate this document in the navigation structure

The complete list of configuration options available in SAPUI5 can be found in the API reference under sap.ui.core.Configuration. The table here is an abstract.

Option Type

Type: boolean

Default value: true

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, the SAPUI5 controls are rendered for or running in accessibility mode.


Type: boolean

Default value: Yes

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: Yes

If set to true, animations are generally allowed in SAPUI5 controls.


Type: string[]

Default value: null


Modifiable at runtime: Yes

This configuration parameter defines UI areas that shall be created in advance; use sap.ui.getCore().createUIArea to create new UI areas and sap.ui.getCore().getUIArea(id).destroy() to delete existing UI areas at runtime.


Type: string

Default value: default


Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration parameter defines whether the simple or the complex binding syntax is used. The parameter only affects bindings that are defined as strings, for example in the constructor of a control, or when specifying a binding in a declarative view, such as XML view or HTML view, see Models and Data Binding

The meaning of the default value 'default' depends on the compatibility version sapCoreBindingSyntax. When this compat. version is at least 1.26, then the 'complex' binding syntax is assumed, otherwise the 'simple' binding type. In other words: applications that configured a general compatibility version of 1.26 (or higher or 'edge'), will automatically run with the 'complex' binding syntax.


Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, the debug sources are loaded; if the bootstrap code is loaded from an optimized source, the bootstrap will be aborted and start anew from a debug source.


Type: string

Default value: undefined

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration parameter defines the locale used for formatting purposes; the default values for the locale are derived from the language.


Type: string

Default value: default


Modifiable at runtime: No

Frame options mode; for more information, see Frame Options


Type: object

Default value: undefined


Modifiable at runtime: No

Advanced frame options Configuration; for more information, see Frame Options


Type: boolean

Default value: false


Modifiable at runtime: No

Security-relevant parameter that allows applications to disable configuration modifications via URL parameters.


Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, the sap-ui-debug.js module is included and provides some supportability features


Type: string

Default value: user language

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration parameter defines the language that shall be used for localized texts, formatting, and so on.

The default value is not static, but determined from the browser or user language in the following order:

  1. navigator.language
  2. navigator.browserLanguage
  3. navigator.userLanguage

Type: string[]

Default value: [ ]


Modifiable at runtime: Yes

This configuration parameter defines a list of libraries that shall be loaded initially; use the loadLibrary() method to load further libraries.



Default value: ERROR

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: Yes

This configuration parameter sets the log level to the given value; for minified (productive) sources, the default level is ERROR, for debug sources it is DEBUG. At runtime, you can modify the log level by using the method.


Type: string[]

Default value: [ ]


Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration parameter defines a list of JavaScript modules that shall be loaded after the code has been initialized.


Type: boolean

Default value: false


Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, SAPUI5 forces jQuery into noConflict mode.


Type: boolean

Default value: true

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, this configuration parameter enforces that the same IDs are not used for multiple controls; we highly recommend this check as duplicate IDs may cause unforeseeable issues and side effects.


Type: code

Default value: undefined


Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration setting defines if code has to be executed after the initialization.


Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, additional information for text resources is provided that allows to determine the origin of a translated text on the UI


Type: not specified, auto, sync, or async

Default value: auto


Modifiable at runtime: No

Between loading SAPUI5 core runtime and further libraries, the so-called preload files are loaded. They contain all modules of a library. The modules are only loaded, but not executed, thus reducing initialization time.

The values are used as follows:

  • When set to auto, SAPUI5 runtime automatically uses sync when running from optimized sources.
  • When set to sync, the preload files for the declared libraries are loaded synchronously.
  • When set to async, the preload files are loaded asynchronously.
  • For any other value (for example blank), the preload feature is deactivated and modules are loaded on demand.

Type: string[]

Default value: []

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration setting specifies a list of UI libraries using the same syntax as the libs property, for which the SAPUI5 core does not include the library.css stylesheet in the head of the page. If the list starts with an exclamation mark (!), no stylesheet is loaded at all for the specified libs. In this case, it is assumed that the application takes care of loading CSS, for example, a manually merged, single CSS file. Otherwise, the Core instructs the backend to create a merged CSS for the specified libs. In both cases, if the first libraries name is an asterisk (*), it will be expanded to the list of already configured libraries.

Note The merge feature is currently only available for Java and only for apps that include the additional backend component resource-ext. Without the merge, applications can include their own merged CSS file and suppress the loading of the standard library.css.

Type: object

Default value: undefined


Modifiable at runtime:, sap.ui.localResources()

Locations of resources (Javascript modules, …). The value can be a map of URL locations keyed by a resource name prefix. All resources whose name starts with such a prefix will be loaded from the corresponding location. The empty string can be used to define a location for all resources.

To provide a URL location that is not overwritten by a component later on, final can be set to true, for example: {'url' : '/that/is/the/prefix/', 'final' : true}


Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, all controls are rendered in right-to-left (RTL) mode; not yet determined automatically.


Type: string

Default value: base

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: Yes

This configuration parameter defines the theme that shall be used for the current page; you can change the theme at runtime by calling sap.ui.getCore().applyTheme().

Theme Root:

When the theme string contains an at-sign (@), anything before the @ is assumed to denote the id of the theme while anything after the @ is assumed to represent the URL location of the theme. To defend against XSS attacks, only URLs that point into the SAP Theming Repository on the same server as the application are accepted. If the URL is not valid, the theme id is also ignored.


Type: object

Default value: undefined


Modifiable at runtime: sap.ui.getCore().setThemeRoot()

This configuration parameter defines the location of themes.


Type: boolean

Default value: false


Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, this configuration parameter activates an overlay div that contains a trace.


Type: string

Default value: '--'


Modifiable at runtime: No

Prefix to be used for automatically generated control IDs; must be choosen carefully to avoid conflicts with IDs defined by the application or DOM IDs.


Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

If set to true, the version parameters are included in requests to the library theme resource (for example, the parameter library.css?version=1.0.1&sap-ui-dist-version=1.0.2 is added. version contains the library version and sap-ui-dist-version the version of the SAPUI5 distribution .

This applies to the following resources:
  • library(-RTL).css (or any other variation)

  • library-parameters.json

URLs within the CSS or parameters are not modified.

Type: string

Default value:

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No


Type: string

Default value:


Modifiable at runtime: No

URL to a WEINRE server to be used for debugging purposes; if set, SAPUI5 automatically includes the WEINRE target modules.


Type: string

Default value:


Modifiable at runtime: No

URL to a whitelist service; see Whitelist Service

Experimental Options

The options listed in the table below are 'experimental'. They may be removed in future versions, or their definition or behavior may change in an incompatible way. Experimental options are identified by the name prefix xx-. Experimental configuration options are used for support scenarios where SAPUI5 development needs the freedom to evolve supportability features over time. Others are related to experimental features where the underlying feature still may change. When an experimental configuration option becomes mature, the xx- prefix is removed from the definition. For compatibility reasons, the old name with the xx- prefix will still be supported.

Option Type
Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

When set to true, the SAPUI5 module loading feature produces DEBUG output for every required, executed, or required but already loaded module. This can help to analyse issues with dependency order, and so on.

Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

When set to true, some components of the SAPUI5 rendering system (RenderManager, UIArea) create a far more verbose debug output for rendering steps, for example, which controls have to be rendered, who (stacktrace) invalidated that control, was one rendering run sufficient or have there been multiple runs, and so on.

Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: boolean

Default value: false


Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration setting enables the end-to-end trace facility.

Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: string

Default value: undefined

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

You use this configuration parameter to simulate iOS, Android and BlackBerry on desktop PCs for easier development of mobile apps and controls. The following values are supported:

  • ios
  • android
  • blackberry

The parameter modifies the user-agent and runtime and theming act as the selected mobile platform. This includes Browser detection mechanisms such as jQuery.browser. This configuration parameter is not handled by the SAPUI5 configuration object and is only available as URL parameter and as attribute in the bootstrap script tag.

Note This configuration parameter only works on desktop WebKit browsers, such as Chrome and Safari and Internet Explorer 10. On other browsers and on mobile devices the configuration parameter has no effect. Internet Explorer 10 only supports the Windows phone simulation and the Webkit browsers only support iOS, Android, and Blackberry simulation.
Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: boolean

Default value: false


Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration parameter is used internally by SAPUI5 runtime. To activate it, load sap-ui-core-all.js instead of sap.ui.core.js.

Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

When executing a loaded module synchronously, some browsers do not provide a proper error location. By setting this configuration parameter to true, SAPUI5 can be advised to load a failed script a second time, but asynchronously with a script tag. This usually results in an easier to understand syntax error message and a code location.

Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: string[]

Default value: []

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

With this option the client can be instructed to limit its backend requests for translatable texts to the configured set of languages. An empty value or the value * allows any language, the value default limits the requests to the set of languages that are delivered with SAPUI5.

Note This is an experimental feature and may be modified or removed in future versions.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

URL: Yes

Modifiable at runtime: No

This configuration parameter activates support for mobile device-specific events, such as touch events. This enables you to test standard SAPUI5 controls on mobile devices.