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Initialization ProcessLocate this document in the navigation structure

After the loading of SAPUI5 runtime is finished, the initialization process prepares the runtime for configuration and use of SAPUI5.

During the initialization of SAPUI5 runtime, the following steps are executed:

  1. The jQuery plugins, which are mainly located in the namespace, provide fundamental functionality of SAPUI5, such as the modularization concept, a small logging framework, performance measurement, and so on.

  2. If not already available, the global object sap is created.

  3. The sap.ui.core.Core class is executed with all its dependencies.

  4. The runtime configuration is determined from different sources.

  5. All libraries and modules declared in the configuration as well as their dependencies are loaded.

  6. For each loaded library, the style sheet of the configured theme is added to the page.

  7. When all libraries are loaded and the document is ready, the initEvent of the core is fired and all registered handlers are executed.