The Create Evaluation app allows you to create and activate evaluations for the key performance indicators (KPIs) or operational performance indicators (OPIs) that you have modeled using the Create KPI app. You can only add an evaluation to an active KPI or OPI.
An evaluation is a combination of parameters, filter settings, input parameters, thresholds, targets, and trends that you apply to a KPI or an OPI. The evaluation defines what information about the KPI or OPI is visible to the SAP Smart Business user at runtime.
To save the evaluation, you must choose the KPI or OPI to which the evaluation is associated. To save, you must also enter a title, data source, entity set, and measure.
When you choose the KPI or OPI, the data source details (for example, the SAP HANA view, the OData service, and the entity set) are drawn from the values entered for the KPI or OPI, but you can change them here.
You can enter values for the input parameters configured in the backend. You can also set values for the dimensions to act as additional filters.
In case SAP Client is an input parameter or filter, rather than hard-coding the values, the evaluation can be modeled to use the HANA session client of the runtime user. This is useful when evaluations need to be used in environments where the values of the SAP Client differ. Hence, instead of hard-coding the value of the SAP Client at the time of creation of an evaluation, it is useful to specify this should be filled with the runtime HANA session client of the user. For more information on how to set the HANA session client of a HANA user, see
under .You can choose an additional set of measures for the evaluation. All measures available in the entity set are available for selection in the value help of the additional measures field. You can use the additional measures that you choose here later to create a Comparison Tile Multiple Measures tile.
You can now specify the number of decimal places to be displayed for all the measures displayed for an evaluation. The number of decimals places specified in the modeler will be displayed in the tile as well as in the drilldown that is KPI aggregate value, chart or table data point values, and the value shown in chart or table pop-over. You can also let Smart Business decide the number of decimal places to be used by selecting the Auto option. The formatting is applied to all measures of the evaluation.
If a measure represents currency, then the number of decimal precision set in the modeler is not used. In such cases, formatting is done using the standard currency formatters. For example, Japanese yen (JPY) is always displayed without any decimal places and United States dollar (USD) is always displayed with two decimal places.
In some cases, the number of decimal places displayed may be fewer than the number of decimal places specified by you or in case of currency, fewer than the decimal places provided by the standard formatters. This is because of the limited space available for display on the tile.
The decimal separator used here is carried over from the user settings made in the front-end server where Fiori Launchpad is installed.